Richard Sherman Criticizes NFL’s Celebration, Personal-Conduct Policies


Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman believes the NFL has lost its way when it comes to enforcing standards for touchdown celebrations and policies related to player conduct, and he thinks taking power away from Commissioner Roger Goodell would be a key step toward fixing the problem.

Sherman posted his latest piece, “Common Sense,” for the Players’ Tribune on Thursday.

In the essay, he explored the myriad of inconsistencies when it comes to punishments the NFL has handed out:

The NFL doesn’t want players to do anything that might set a bad example for the kids in its audience — such as showboat, or celebrate excessively — it features beer ads in all of its stadiums and in almost every commercial break. Josh Norman can’t shoot an imaginary bow and arrow after a big pick because the NFL says that it depicts a “violent act.” Meanwhile, the name of the team he plays for depicts Native Americans in a way that many people consider offensive.

The three-time Pro Bowler also provided his view on the Josh Brown saga. The NFL …

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