Oct. 27 Kyle Hendrdicks workout day interview


Q. Joe was talking about maybe the wind blowing out tomorrow. I assume you have a game plan if that’s the case or maybe it doesn’t change. But point is this, World Series, they haven’t played here much. Can you guys as a team somehow take advantage of something like that knowing how to deal with those kind of conditions, especially as a pitcher?

KYLE HENDRICKS: I don’t know if we can consciously take advantage of it, but definitely we’re going to be more comfortable being in the conditions here at home, obviously. They may be a little uncomfortable not being here in a while.

Other than that, whether the wind is blowing out or in, it’s going to be the same game plan for me. At the end of the day, making good pitches is going to get hitters out. If you’re trying to get fly balls, ground balls, you can get out of your routine or game plan.

So regardless of factors, regardless what their hitters are doing, yeah, it’s going to be the same game plan.

Q. Kyle, I think it was three years ago that you were back on campus at Dartmouth finishing up your degree. Can you take us through what your course load was at that point in time, your daily routine?

KYLE HENDRICKS: It’s hard. It doesn’t seem like three years. It seems like a lifetime ago, honestly. But it’s fun, I got to go back with a buddy of mine, Chris O’Dowd who was playing Minor League baseball at the time, too. So we were in the same routine, taking a lot of the same classes. I had two math classes and two regular distributives to finish up.

But it was a little hectic. I had been out of school for about a year and a half since I’d been playing. So just going back, getting back in that routine and being on campus was a little strange. But having my buddy with me, we kind of went through it together. I’m really glad I got the monkey off my back, graduated and got it out of the way. Now I’m here, I don’t have to think about it.

Q. Kyle, last Saturday was probably the biggest game of your career. Tomorrow’s going to be even bigger. Just your general thoughts on pitching in a World Series game?

KYLE HENDRICKS: I’m just going to take advantage of it. I mean, how often do you get these opportunities? You dream of it as a kid. This is what you work all year long for, though. It’s not just me out there, like I said. We’ve got this group of guys, offense, the at-bats they were putting together in Game 2 were awesome to see. Hopefully they can stay hot, keep it rolling, get a lead. Like you said, against that team, if you can get a lead, that’s a lot better. You get behind, with that bullpen it’s tough.

So we’re going to go out, try to jump on it early, set the tempo. But, yeah, I’m just going to try to take advantage of the opportunity.

Q. Just watching you pitch, you’re obviously locked …

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