Oct. 26 Terry Francona postgame interview


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Terry Francona.

Q. Did you get an explanation about what happened on that first relay?

TERRY FRANCONA: You mean the ball to right field?

Q. Yeah.

TERRY FRANCONA: I think Lonnie thought he had a chance at second. Probably we were set up to go home. That’s probably where the ball should have gone. I think Lonnie thought that the runner conceded the run and thought he had a legitimate chance to get him and actually came pretty close.

Q. You guys have been so fundamentally sound all year, how surprising was it to see Kipnis have kind of an off-night with the two errors?

TERRY FRANCONA: Yeah, we gave up nine hits, eight walks, two errors, and we only gave up five runs. We’re probably pretty fortunate because there was traffic all night. For us to win, we generally need to play a clean game, and we didn’t do that.

Kip will be fine.

Q. What were your impressions of Trevor tonight? He seemed to labor some early.

TERRY FRANCONA: Yeah, I thought partially — well, they never let him …

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