Lucha Underground Season 3 Episode 8 Recap (10/26): ‘Gift Of The Gods’, Sexy Star Vs, Johnny Mundo


Lucha Underground On The El Rey Network

Season 3 Episode 8 “Gift Of The Gods”

Here is the synopsis for tonight’s episode.

“City Councilman Delgado arrives and gives Dario a gift; Sexy Star defends her title; Rey Mysterio asks Dario for a favor”.

Highlights from previous episode storylines open this week’s show. The Ultimate Opportunity series between Cage and Texano, Johnny Mundo’s request granted for a Gift Of The Gods match and Ivelisse’s new relationship.

The opening scene takes place in Dario Cueto’s office. He is looking over paperwork as Sexy Star enters. Sexy gets straight to the point and tells Dario in Spanish, that she doesn’t fear Dario or his brother Matanza. That next week, She wants her shot at The Lucha Underground Championship… Dario responds by stating that he learned a long time ago, that when a sexy woman asks for something. It’s best to give it to her. Dario smirks at Sexy Star and says ok, She is granted her request. She will face Matanza next week for The Lucha Underground Championship…. He throws in a reminder that first, Sexy will be defending her Gift Of The Gods championship against Johnny Mundo tonight. Sexy Star says that he will be a nice warmup match for her. Dario laughs and says that he is impressed that Star has huge balls even though she is a woman. Dario then gets serious and tells Star that if her friends, Fenix, Drago or Aerostar interfere in her match tonight. That they will be banned from The Temple forever. As Dario sips on a glass of scotch. Sexy pauses for a moment to ponder what Dario has told her. She then tells him that she won’t need help tonight or next week. She tells Dario to be prepared to crown her as The First Female Lucha Underground Champion. Sexy leaves Dario’s office… Dario comments that, as his mother could attest. Women don’t fare too well against his brother.

We are now in the arena at The Temple. The house band is playing and Matt Striker and Vampiro intro this week’s show. They hype that Aztec Warfare is only 3 weeks away and that Matanza will enter that match at #1. With his Championship on the line. However Striker states that there is no guarantee that Matanza will enter that match as The Champion in 3 weeks. He then hypes tonight’s Gift Of The God’s match between Sexy Star and Johnny Mundo. Vampiro says that if you are a fan of intergender wrestling, That you don’t have to wait for that type of action at the end of the night, because that type of match will happen next. Vamp cues to Melissa Santos in the ring for the 1st match.

Melissa introduces Marty The Moth Martinez, who is accompanied by his sister Mariposa. Marty creeps on Melissa Santos as she introduces Marty’s opponent Ivelisse.

Marty The Moth Martinez vs. Ivelisse

Marty turns up the creep meter to 100 prior to and during this match. He throws his shirt onto Melissa Santos at ringside. Before the match even begins. Ivelisse takes the fight to Marty at the start. Marty acts like he likes the abuse from her. Ivelisse tries to not be affected by Marty’s actions. Marty tries to choke Ivelisse and bite her. Ivelisse fights back but Marty picks her up, bites her and then slams her down to the mat. Marty shoves his hand into Ivelisse’s mouth. As the ref is distracted, Mariposa bites Ivelisse while she is laying on the mat. Marty gets Ivelisse up in a full nelson submission. The submission is set up in an awkward position intentionally by Marty. Marty controls the action for the next few minutes. Ivelisse eventually rallies, takes out Marty’s knee and hits him with several kicks. She then gets him in a hanging choke hold. Marty falls to his knees and starts to fade. He rises back up to his feet and slams Ivelisse down with a spine buster to get out of the hold. He then gets Ivelisse back in that strange full nelson submission hold and then spikes her down to the mat. Crawls over her and pins her to get the win.

Marty The Moth defeats Ivelisse by pinfall

Marty and his sister celebrate in ring. Just then a new face has arrived in The Temple. It’s Ivelisse’s new boyfriend, Jeremiah. He attacks both Martinez siblings for a while. They then fight back, Ivelisse comes back into the ring and evens the odds. She and Jeremiah get the upper hand on Marty and Mariposa. They both flee the ring. Ivelisse and the former, Solomon Crowe from NXT, Jeremiah awkwardly hug in the center of the ring. Jeremiah is trying to get Ivelisse’s forgiveness but she isn’t so accepting of it.

The show goes to break hyping The Best of 5 series match to come between Cage and Texano….. When the show returns. Another “White Rabbit” vignette airs. This time, There is a man in the shadows. He is wearing a black top hat with a white suit. The rabbit logo is on the back of his suit. He says that he was lost until he found the white rabbit. …

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