Oct. 25 Joe Maddon postgame interview


Q. Joe, we talked before the game about how your team would come out, and that part of it seemed okay. I guess it’s one of those nights where you tip your hat to the other guy. And what was he doing besides throwing a lot of quality strikes out there?

JOE MADDON: He’s good. He gets such great movement both directions with his cutter and his come-backer. He was hitting his edges. He pitched well. You’ve got to give him a lot of credit. He pitched well. I liked our at-bats overall against Miller. I liked the fact we got him up to 50 pitches, also. So there were a lot of positives with that. We struck out a lot, but I’ll defend the fact that we had some good at-bats. We had some opportunities, we were just unable to obviously get the big hit and knock the run in. But saw a lot of pitches tonight. Kluber was outstanding, but I thought we did a good job against Miller.Q. Bryant and Rizzo against the Dodgers in your two shutouts, they were pretty much cuffed. I think they were 3-for-14. Tonight I think 0-for-7. Is that a result of a couple Cy Young Award pitchers? Once you guys get going against the rest of the staff, or they get going, you seem to produce?

JOE MADDON: I’m a believer. I know we’re going to be fine. You’re right, they pitched really, really well tonight. Kluber was outstanding. Up and down the lineup overall I saw a lot of good things among a lot of our hitters tonight. How about Zobrist’s great night? How about Schwarber having not played all year had some really good at-bats. I thought Javy had some good at-bats. Contreras coming off the bench was fine. David Ross worked good at-bats. I mean, I’m not disappointed by any means except for the fact that we did not win. I thought we came out ready to play. They pitched well. The first inning hurt. The walks, not even the dribbler or the hit batter. It was the walks prior to that that really hurt us. And then their nine hole hitter Perez kicked us, man. He drove in four points today, so give him a lot of credit. But overall, I was not disappointed. I know we had 15 punch-outs, I get it, but the quality of the at-bats were not that bad.Q. In the 7th inning when you let David Ross bat against Miller, did you just like the match-up there for Ross as opposed to maybe Almora or Soler?

JOE MADDON: Yeah, I thought two things, I thought David could hit him or David would accept his walk more than the other guys. As it turned out, he got called out on a check swing, that could have been ball four. David works good at-bats in that moment. So I felt good about him, actually. I felt better about him. He’s been in the game against Miller. Miller has struck …

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