Dan Gilbert Talks Relationship with LeBron James, Paying the Luxury Tax and More


Winning cures plenty of ails in sports, including the relationship between Cleveland Cavaliers principal owner Dan Gilbert and his team’s best player, LeBron James.

Gilbert appeared on Tuesday’s Really Big Show with Tony Rizzo and Je’Rod Cherry on ESPN 850 in Cleveland and “said he and James have come a long way” since the four-time NBA MVP left for the Miami Heat and the owner “responded with a scathing letter on the team’s website,” per Dave McMenamin of ESPN.com.

McMenamin shared Gilbert’s comments: 

I think everybody learns every day in the decisions they make and the things they do. It was just a whole different feeling from Day 1 [when James came back in 2014]. Keep in mind that we just had one bad night in five years that we were here with LeBron — remember the first two [years James played in Cleveland], Gordon Gund ran and owned the team.

But we never had a bad day until the way it ended. And as bad as it was, it was one day, it was one night and everybody is a grown man and obviously we focused on the job here. And sometimes things happen for a reason, right? You just never know it at the time.

Not only has Gilbert moved past his days …

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