Ring Of Honor TV Recap (10/25): The Motor City Machine Guns Vs.Tetsuya Naito And Evil And More




Taped in Lowell Massachusetts at The Lowell Memorial Auditorium

Airing On SBG Syndicated Stations, On Comet TV Wednesdays, The Fite TV App, The Fight Network & ROH Wrestling.com

The show opens with Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino at ringside. They hype this show’s main event of The Motor City Machine Guns and Los Ingobernables De Japon. Running joke with Steve Corino, who botches the pronunciation of LIJ every single time. It’s cool that one of the most popular factions in New Japan has a Mexican name and backstory. It just adds to the mystique of it’s charismatic leader, Current IWGP Intercontinental Champion Tetsuya Naito.

Kevin Kelly cues to the ring for the show’s opening match.

Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana vs. The Tempura Boyz

Very little is known about Sho Tanaka and Yohei Komatsu. “The Tempura Boyz”. They are New Japan Dojo trainees who have been working undercard matches in Japan. As part of their training, They have been sent on a excursion to work in Mexico with CMLL and here with ROH in the states. They are not aligned or related in any way to Christopher Daniels alter ego, Curry Man…. No plates of shrimp attached to their head… Lame jokes aside. These are two very talented young wrestlers with some charisma. Fitting that they would face off with two alternately unique performers in Dalton Castle and Colt Cabana.

Yohei and Sho start off this match working well together in the early going. Corino notes on commentary how both these NJPW Young Lions prefer to be called by just their first names. A practice that is against Japanese wrestling tradition, where the last name of a competitor is of most importance. Yohei has a more traditional light heavyweight appearance where Sho has a thicker build and unique wrestling gear. It almost looks like he is wearing tablecloths that you would find at a Japanese restaurant. They are parts of table cloths hanging over his tights like bandanas.

After The Tempura Boyz get the early and brief advantage. This match quickly becomes a showcase match for Castle and Cabana’s new team. The comedy ensues when Castle and Cabana team up to do The signature Dalton Castle poses in the ring. This freaks out Sho Tanaka. He doesn’t know what to make of it. So he runs to his corner and tags in his partner Komatsu. The comedy continues with Cabana and Castle for awhile. Dalton then takes over the match showing his wrestling ability with takedowns and a bridge suplex. Castle and Cabana work well together in this one. Using blind tags and tandem moves. A lot of showboating by both men. The final sequence sees Dalton Castle take on both Tempura Boyz and he wins the match for his team by hitting The Bang A Rang finisher on Yohei.

Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana defeat The Tempura Boyz

During the first commercial break. This Halloween themed ROH promo airs with Mark Briscoe and Dalton Castle.

Back from the break. Kevin Kelly is on the stage set to interview The Briscoes. Footage is then shown of what took place during the break. How Dalton Castle and Colt Cabana had a stare down and traded words with The Briscoes on the rampway. Kelly asks The Briscoes about the tension between both teams. Jay and Mark talk about how they have no fear of any tag team in ROH. How in recent months, They have defeated Castle and Cabana, as well as The Young Bucks. Mark states they challenge the winner of that upcoming match. Mark guarantees that they will beat the winner of that match at Final Battle on December 2nd and become 9 time ROH World Tag Team Champs.

This is followed by a lengthy promo hyping ROH’s upcoming event in London next month. Featured in the promo is Adam Cole, Jay Lethal and Kyle O’ Reilly. They all talk about the World Championship picture and where they stand.

Adam Cole is backstage with The Young Bucks and Cole is hyping The November 20th ROH Card in London, England. Where he is scheduled to defend his World Championship against Jay Lethal. Cole states that The ROH fans get what they want in Jay Lethal getting a rematch for the title. Cole says that they won’t get what they ultimately want when Cole defeats Lethal again… Jay Lethal is then shown and he cuts a promo hyping the match. Lethal states that he can’t wait to regain his title from Adam Cole and be back on top of the company. Kyle O’Reilly is up next. He has an ROH World Championship Match scheduled at Final Battle. Kyle talks about the possibility of facing either man at Final Battle. Kyle says that even though, He doesn’t hate Jay Lethal. He has unfinished business with him because their 3 prior matches ended in controversy. Kyle’s preference however is getting revenge on Adam Cole, and by doing so, He would also become ROH World Champion. Kyle says that The ROH World Title is more important to him than just getting revenge. That he doesn’t care who wins between Lethal and Cole, That he is going to be the next world champion.

Back to ringside for this upcoming match.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jonathan Gresham

The commentators put over Jonathan Gresham’s great old school mat wrestling style. Calling him “The Master of The Mat”. They put over a …

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