Marty The Moth Martinez On His Dark Persona, Comedy Wrestlers As Champions, Lucha Underground Roster


Marty “The Moth” Martinez joined The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling this past week and opened up to John and Chad about his personal career evolution as well as taking the listeners deep inside “the temple” as he gives the backstory of his character, the potential plans for The Moth Tribe and the influences behind his unhinged persona. The full episode can be downloaded at this link.

Where did this unhinged and dark version of Marty The Moth come from:

“I was originally brought into Lucha Underground from the very beginning. I was one of the guys signed originally when this project was green-lit and I was brought on for comedic reasons and that is what I love doing, making people laugh and usually when I make myself look like an ass it makes people laugh. But just like every other character in Luhca Underground we made it evolve and Vampiro was very integral in that. He definitely has taken me under his wing and if you are going to learn how to be dark than Vampiro is not a bad mentor to go to. Rather than making it campy we wanted to take it a little more serious route. It is kind of a mix of Vampiro’s direction and the writers and from my acting classes. I kind of took what I would want to see on there with some influences from serial killers to The Joker to American Horror Story and all these things that intrigues people and threw it all into one thing and out popped “The Moth”.

Is that what makes Lucha Underground so different and creative making things seem a little more edgy.

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