Ring Of Honor TV Recap (10/18): Jay Lethal Vs. Silas Young, 6 Man Tourney, The Bullet Club And More






The show begins with highlights from the amazing Ladder War match at ROH’s ASE PPV. The last two weeks of ROH television have been matches from their Field Of Honor shows. This is the first week that ROH has aired the tapings that took place after All Star Extravaganza. The venue where the ppv took place. This arena is the very place where Shawn Michaels lost his smile in 1997 and forfeited the WWF title.

Kevin Kelly welcomes the audience to the show as The Bullet Club’s music hits. Out comes the ROH World Champ Adam Cole, ROH Tag Champs, The Young Bucks and Hangman Page.ROH’s resident heel faction gets a heroes welcome from the crowd. Matt Jackson is on the mic first. He says that The Bucks turned All Star Extravaganza into 5 Star Extravaganza. Matt calls Ladder War 6, the greatest ladder match in ROH’s history and boasts about now being 2 time ROH tag champs. He then proclaims that the Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time. Adam Cole is next on the mic. Cole says that The Bullet Club lived up to their promises at the pay-per-view. Cole says that he proved that Michael Elgin is not in his league. That Hangman Page sent a message by hurting Kyle O’ Reilly for him. Then, Cole puts over The Young Bucks as the best of all time in the entire world of wrestling. Cole says that Hangman Page is the next to get gold for The Bullet Club. That he will be the next ROH TV Champ. Cole wraps up the segment by stating that The Bullet Club controls the industry and they all salute each other with the “too sweet” gesture in the center of the ring.

Touted after the break is an upcoming match between War Machine and Keith Lee & Shane Taylor.

During the break, An ROH update airs which promotes their video on demand service on their website. In the video package is highlights of newest ROH wrestler, Bull James (FKA Bull Dempsey in NXT) at The Reloaded Tour. Also the confrontation between Bull and Adam Cole.

Also shown during this promotional package, is the recent 24 man Honor Rumble match. This match took place in Lockport, New York. The headline being Silas Young winning and earning a future ROH Title match vs Adam Cole. The video leads into hype for this week’s TV main event of Silas Young and Jay Lethal.

Jay Lethal is in front of the ROH banner. He cuts a promo on Silas Young and their upcoming match. Lethal doesn’t understand or care why Silas Young has made him a target. He doesn’t care how this feud started. Lethal states that he only cares about finishing it. Lethal’s goal is to once again become ROH World Champion and Silas Young is in his way.

Back in the arena, War Machine makes it’s way to the ring for this upcoming tag team match.

War Machine vs. Keith Lee & Shane Taylor

These two super heavyweight teams have been feuding for quite some time. Shane Taylor and Ray Rowe have a history together. Rowe trained and housed Taylor when he was trying to make it as a wrestler. The story goes that when Rowe made it into ROH. Taylor felt that his friend and trainer abandoned him. So he has set out to seek revenge against him…. Thus far, Taylor & Lee have won the battles between these two teams and are currently undefeated in Ring Of Honor.

Typical match between these two teams. Heavy hitting, high impact with even some high flying action thrown into the mix. Rowe and Hanson attack Lee & Taylor with suicide dives, while they are making their way to the ring. War Machine beats down Taylor & Lee on the outside for a few minutes. Taylor & Lee rebound and dish out some power tandem moves of their own. Both teams continue to brawl on the outside of the ring. Launching themselves and each other into one another and into the barricades at ringside. The show goes to break after Shane Taylor launches himself off of the apron and onto everyone on the ringside floor. All 4 men are laid out.

Back from the break. The fight on the floor has now moved into the ring. No tags in this match yet. All 4 men taking turns hitting high impact moves on one another. Rowe hits an impressive exploder suplex on Lee. He turns and gets flattened by a Shane Taylor tackle. Hanson then grabs Taylor and hits a inverted power slam. Heavy hitting action continues…. Hanson tries to come off the top rope but gets caught. The first potential pin fall comes after Lee and Taylor double choke slam Hanson. Who at some point in this brawl, has started bleeding on his forehead. The first pin fall attempt is followed by the actual first tag in this match…. Rowe is back in the ring now and he aids his bloody partner. War Machine hits a tandem power slam on Lee for a near fall. Taylor and Lee regain control and hit some tandem moves of their own on Hanson.

Hanson eventually avoids defeat and makes the hot tag to his partner. Ray Rowe comes in on fire. He takes down both Taylor and Lee. War Machine then hits their finisher, “Fallout” on Shane Taylor. Taylor kicks out. War Machine then attempts their finisher again but Keith Lee breaks it up. Lee and Taylor then rid the ring of Rowe and hit their tandem finish on Hanson but he kicks out. Desperation time for both teams. Hanson attempts a splash off of the top rope but misses. Keith …

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