Mark Henry On Which WWE Star He Wants To Work With, CM Punk In A Suit, Video Games Backstage, More


Source: Esquire Middle East

Mark Henry recently spoke with Esquire Middle East to promote the new WWE 2K17 video game. The full interview is at this link and below are highlights:

Henry being a sharp-dressed guy and fashion in WWE:

“Thanks, I love fashion. Actually, funny story, I used to give the Esquire Big Black Book to young wrestlers when they would join the WWE, because they needed to know how to dress. You can’t be a champion and look like a bum. You have to look, and be, the part. It’s not just because it’s required of your job, but is important to how you hold yourself.”

“…You know, CM Punk hated suits and would refuse to wear them, but that went with his character. Although, someone made a joke …

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