WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Goldberg Challenged, Seth Rollins Vs. Chris Jericho, Mixed Tag


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up from Oakland, California as the pyro goes off inside the Oracle Arena. Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.

– We go right to the ring and out comes WWE RAW Women’s Champion Sasha Banks as JoJo introduces her.

They air a look back at last week’s title change. Fans chant “you deserve it” as Sasha takes the mic. She says she feels like she’s on top of the world right now. She says she had big dreams growing up as she watched her hero Eddie Guerrero. Fans chant for Eddie now. Sasha wishes Eddie a Happy Birthday. She watched Lita and Trish Stratus tear it up in the main event and wanted to be like them. Her dreams came true last week. She put her body on the line and stole the show when she became a two-time champion. Sasha says this isn’t just about her. It’s about the women who came before her, the ones still to come and the little girls at home who want to be like her. Sasha goes on and proposes that Charlotte’s rematch at Hell In a Cell take place inside the Cell. The music hits and out comes Charlotte.

Charlotte walks to the ring but she’s interrupted by Rusev’s music. She stops on the ramp as Lana and Rusev march to the ring. Rusev takes the mic. Charlotte is in the ring now. Rusev says nobody cares about the stupid women’s revolution or the fact that they main evented RAW last week. He goes on until Charlotte snatches the mic. She asks Rusev who the hell he thinks he is. No one disrespects the queen. Charlotte accepts Sasha’s challenge for the Cell. Rusev takes the mic back. He says this is his ring and whatever he says, goes. Sasha smacks the mic out of his hand. Lana gets in between them.

Lana calls them lost women who need to know their place. She says they whine like little girls. She goes on and they knock her down. Rusev gets upset. Sasha and Charlotte knock him to the floor. Lana joins him and throws a fit. Rusev comes back to the apron and enters the ring. The music hits and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns to a mixed reaction. Rusev readies for a fight but leaves with Lana as Reigns looks on from the ring with Sasha and Charlotte. Reigns’ music hits and he raises the title as Lana and Rusev leave.

– Still to come, Paul Heyman addresses Bill Goldberg’s comments about Brock Lesnar on ESPN last week. Also, Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. They cut promos and say at Hell In a Cell, they will show Sheamus and Cesaro why they are the best. They start dancing and Cesaro’s music hits. Out he comes.

Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston

Cesaro is making his entrance on the stage when Sheamus comes out and walks straight to the ring. The tension and one-upping between the two continues.

Back and forth to start. Sheamus is streaming live on Facebook but not paying attention to the match. We go to commercial with a stand-off at ringside. Sheamus still has his back turned to what’s going on.

Back from the break and Cesaro hits a top rope elbow for a 2 count. We see he hit some uppercuts during the commercial. Kofi comes back and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Kofi keeps control and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi waits for Cesaro to get up but misses Trouble In Paradise. Cesaro with a running uppercut. Cesaro with another uppercut from the floor. Cesaro with a 2 count.

Cesaro with uppercuts from corner to corner and a boot to the face for a 2 count. Cesaro blocks a shot and goes to apply the Sharpshooter but Kofi avoids it. Kofi springboards in but botches it and lands on the mat. Sheamus and Woods end up getting into at ringside. Sheamus drops him. Big E runs over Sheamus. Kofi takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Cesaro up for the win as Cesaro was going for the Cesaro Swing.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

– After the match, The New Day makes their exit as we go to replays. Sheamus and Cesaro aren’t happy. They have words and Sheamus storms off, calling Cesaro a loser.

– Foley has made Reigns and Sasha vs. Rusev and Charlotte for later tonight.

– Back from the break and the announcers show us Goldberg’s comments from ESPN SportsCenter where he said if he did make a return to the ring, he’d be interested in facing Brock Lesnar again. Paul Heyman will be here tonight to respond to those comments.

Bayley vs. Cami Fields

We go to the ring and out comes Bayley as her opponent, a local enhancement talent, waits in the ring. She gets a pop as she’s from nearby San Jose.

Bayley starts off in control but Cami turns it around and works her over for a few minutes. Bayley catches Cami in the Bayley-to-Belly suplex out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Bayley

– After the match, Bayley celebrates as we go to replays. Bayley goes to the stage to celebrate but Dana Brooke attacks her from behind. Dana leaves Bayley laying as fans boo and we go to a replay.

– Still to come, Mick Foley will address Hell In a Cell and Sasha Banks’ proposal. Back to commercial.

– Chris Jericho is backstage on the phone with someone. He’s ranting about how good he is. Jericho tells the other person to do their job and get him that big payday. R-Truth appears and has a payday candy bar for Jericho but that’s not the kind of payday he’s looking for.

Sin Cara and Lince Dorado vs. Drew Gulak and Tony Nese

We go to the ring and Tony Nese waits with Drew Gulak for a cruiserweight tag team match. Lince Dorado is out first for his team. Out next comes Sin Cara, who is now in the cruiserweight division.

Gulak and Dorado go at it to start. Gulak tags in Nese early on. Nese runs into a boot and in comes Sin Cara for some double teaming and a 2 count. Dorado comes back in and nails Nese from the top while Cara holds him. Gulak gets in a cheap shot while Nese has the referee distracted. Gulak tags back in and keeps Dorado in their corner. Gulak with a 2 count.

Gulak with a submission. Nese comes back in and kicks Dorado in the face before keeping him grounded. Gulak comes back in but Dorado takes them both down. Cara tags in and hits a moonsault on both opponents. Gulak takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Cara with more offense and a roll up on Gulak for 2. Cara powers up and powerbombs Gulak for 2 as Nese breaks the pin. Cara dropkicks Nese off the apron. Dorado tag sin and Cara dives out onto Nese. Dorado takes care of Gulak and goes up top for a Shooting Star Press to get the win.

Winners: Sin Cara and Lince Dorado

– After the match, Cara and Dorado stand tall in the ring as we go to replays.

– Foley is backstage walking when Stephanie McMahon approaches him. She gives him props for his custom flannel suit. She wants to join him for his Hell In a Cell address and he tells her that would be great. They walk off together. Back to …

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