WWE No Mercy: Randy Orton Vs. Bray Wyatt


– We get more hype for tonight’s main event. They have aired a few backstage mind games segments with Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt tonight.

Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring and out first comes Bray Wyatt. Randy Orton is out next as fans chant his name.

They lock up and break. Wyatt turns upside down and taunts Orton. Orton goes for the RKO but Wyatt avoids it and goes to the floor laughing. Orton takes control with stomps and knees now. Orton with more offense until Wyatt grabs him for Sister Abigail. Orton slides out of the move and sends Wyatt to the apron. Wyatt snaps Orton’s neck over the top rope. Wyatt brings Orton out and sends him into the barrier. Wyatt keeps control and slams Orton head first into the announce table. Orton goes for the RKO outta nowhere but Wyatt blocks it and shoves him over the table.

Wyatt breaks the count and goes back outside. He takes apart the steel steps but Orton attacks with a …

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