TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/6): New TNA World Champion Crowned, Cody Makes Impact Debut





Tonight’s show opens with this video recapping Bound For Glory and The fallout from that show for tonight’s Impact.

TNA World Champion Bobby Lashley arrives and heads to the ring. Lashley insults the audience. He says that it doesn’t matter who comes out to confront him. He is the realest man in the entire business. Calls himself a hero and the #1 person because he has the world title. Lashley says that no matter who shows up to face him. He keeps beating them. He states that beating EC3 was just an example of that. Aron Rex’s music hits and he heads to the ring with The Impact Grand Championship.

Bobby turns his back on Aron as he enters the ring. Rex congratulates Lashley but explains that at BFG, He changed the game by becoming the first Impact Grand Champion. Rex says that he used to be smart but he is going to do some quick math. He is the Grand Champion, so that makes him the man in TNA. Lashley says that Rex doesn’t impress him with his humor. Out comes The new Knockouts Champ, Gail Kim. She tells both men that it’s 2016 and a woman can be the best. Gail Kim says “that us women are changing the business”. Broken Matt Hardy’s music hits and he heads to the ring with his wife Reby and son Maxel.

Matt gets in the ring and addresses Gail Kim. He says that she speaks of change, but that he is change. Matt says that because of his broken brilliance, The business is no longer a standard business. He has changed the entire business. Matt says that even though, He is with his wife and son. He is always ready to delete. X Division Champ DJ Z is out next. He points out how the ring is now filled with champions. DJ Z says that tonight, Team X Gold debuts. Bobby Lashley calls everyone in the ring losers and second rate title holders. He says that he is going home as he leaves the ring. Billy Corgan is out wearing a hoodie and some type of fur trench coat. He is seconded by Aiden O’Shea. Aiden is his “muscle”… Corgan gets in the ring and congratulates all the champions. Corgan says that all the champs will be in action tonight and they will defending their titles. Lashley asks Corgan who his opponent is. Billy Corgan says that with the exception of DJ Z, who is introducing Team X gold. All the champs must defend their titles. Corgan says that Lashley will be given the option to select one of three potential opponents. Corgan says that magic can happen at any time. DJ Z and his “Team X Gold” are next on the show. Corgan leaves the ring, as the show goes to it’s first break.


DJ Z, Braxton Sutter & Mandrews vs. Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett and Marshe Rockett

Rockett is from Chicago. Mathews and Pope give a brief rundown on him as he heads to the ring with Lee and Everett. Pope says that Rockett is not your average sized X division wrestler but that he brings a lot to the table….. “Team X Gold” is the brainchild of Billy Corgan and DJ Z. Basic 3 on 3 with stronger enforcement on the rules according to Josh Mathews.

DJ Z and Everett start the match at a fast pace. Z blind tags Mandrews, who flies in and hits Everett with a missile dropkick. Mandrews follows that with a standing moonsault. He then flies over the top rope and dives onto Everett. Andrew tags in Marshe Rockett. Pope calls Marshe “The X Factor”. Mathews says that Rockett told him earlier in the day, to not be fooled by his size. That he is the prototypical X division wrestler. Rockett hits a big boot on Mandrews to knock him down. He then suplexes Mandrews. Josh compares Rockett to Cam Newton. Trevor Lee is now in. Mandrews tries to run and tag out but Lee knocks him down. Trevor goes to give Mandrews a german suplex. Mandrews lands on his feet and tags in his partner Braxton Sutter. Sutter power slams Lee. He runs towards Lee but Trevor kicks him as he closes in. Lee than tags back in Marshe Rockett. Rockett scoops up Sutter and gives him a power slam. Covers him but Sutter kicks out at 2. Marshae corners Sutter and the heels start to work over Sutter while the ref is distracted. Sutter battles back, tags in Z. DJ clotheslines Rockett and then hits a jawbreaker on him. Z races over to the ropes, tags Lee and knocks him to the outside. Then races towards Marshe and leaps off his back and onto Lee at ringside. Marshe charges at Z as he is getting back in the ring. DJ Z flips over him but gets hit with a spinning wheel kick by Rockett. He slams Z down on the the mat near his corner and tags in Lee. Lee attempts a moonsault on Z but DJ lifts up his legs and stomps Trevor in the head. Z tags in Sutter. Braxton power bombs Trevor Lee. Tags in Mandrews, who does a shooting star press on top of Lee to get his team the victory.

DJ Z, Mandrews & Braxton Sutter defeat Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett & Marshe Rockett

Upcoming later on tonight, A “Wolf Creek” cage match for the world tag team titles with The Hardy’s defending against The Decay. Mathews says that they will explain what a wolf’s creek cage match is later on.

Next on the show is Eli Drake and his talk show, “FACT OF LIFE”. This time, Eli has his own set, his own desk complete with his Dummy button.

Eli says that this is a new Fact of Life and it’s a new Eli Drake and he is now Bound for Gold. Drake says that he is going to have a special guest on his show after the break.

Back from the break. One of the potential 3 opponents for Bobby Lashley’s world title, Moose is on the stage being interviewed by Jeremy Borash. Moose says he has been waiting for this chance since he came to TNA. Does his Moose chant and says that he is the one man that Bobby Lashley fears.

We go back to Fact of Life with Eli Drake. Eli gets on the fans for repeating his catchphrases and talking back to him. Eli says that his guest tonight, had a rocket shoved so far up his butt that he can’t believe that he doesn’t spit out rocket fuel. Drake says that all his guest did was lose his opportunity. Drake calls his next guest EC3 a choke artist. EC3 arrives on set and sits down. Eli Drake says that when he comes out to the ring. He gets a great roar from the crowd. Drake says that EC3 wishes that he was Eli Drake. As Carter goes to respond, Drake keeps hitting his Dummy Yeah button. Carter grabs Drake’s hand to stop him …

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