WWE NXT Results (10/5): Dusty Rhodes Classic Begins, Samoa Joe Spoils Debut, Swann Vs. Clark, More


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-Tom Phillips welcomes us to NXT and we head straight to the ring where ring announcer Mike Rome gets us started.

Bollywood Boyz vs. Authors of Pain (Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round Match)

Nice reaction for the Bollywood Boyz as they dance to the ring, but the energy gets sucked right out of the building as Paul Ellering leads his brutes to the ring. Harv Sirah immediately throws hands and stuns Rezar of AOP but that doesn’t last long as Harv is quickly dismantled. He’s able to make the tag but Gurv suffers the same fate. Big splash from Akam that leads to a tag and their Russian Leg Sweep/Clothesline combo finisher, now named “the last chapter,” for the quick win.

Winners via Pinfall: Authors of Pain

– Vignette for the debuting Dan Matha airs after we take a look at the Dusty Classic bracket.

Rich Swann vs. Patrick Clark

Showing how the Full Sail crowd is much different than main roster crowds, the extremely over Swann grooves his way to the squared circle. Patrick Clark makes a very flamboyant entrance, and Rich Swann even looks confused by the change in attire. Crowd sings a culmination of Swann’s new and old entrances and the two lock up. Fast paced rope running exchange ends with Swann landing a drop kick. Clark catches Swann for a nice spine buster and slows the pace. Clark swings and misses at a pair of corner attacks and Swann nails him with a barrage of kicks from all angles. Jumping Shooting Star Press from Swann for the one, two, three.

Winner via Pinfall: Rich Swann

– We get a look at the match between Almas and Alexander that ultimately formed their tag team for tonight’s match versus The Revival.

– We relive the destruction that was Asuka versus Liv Morgan. Asuka reminds us that nobody is ready for the NXT Women’s Champ. We go backstage where Billie Kay and Peyton Royce mock …

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