WWE SmackDown Results – Top Stars Face Off, Spirit Squad Returns, Jack Swagger, Nikki Bella, More


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– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens with hype for the No Mercy main event and tonight’s face-off.

– We’re live from San Diego with Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga.

Bray Wyatt vs. Kane

We go right to the ring and out comes Bray Wyatt as Greg Hamilton makes the introduction. Kane is out next.

Wyatt strikes first and beats Kane into the corner but wastes time. Kane turns it around but Wyatt quickly takes back control. Wyatt with a splash in the corner. Kane comes back with a jawbreaker but Wyatt drops him. Kane comes back after Wyatt misses the senton.

Kane with clotheslines in the corner and a sidewalk slam. Kane with a jumping DDT. Wyatt counters a chokeslam and drops Kane for a senton. Wyatt turns upside down but stops when he sees Randy Orton on the big screen. Orton is also upside down. He says he’s seeing the world how Wyatt sees it but will turn his world right-side up at No Mercy. The screen goes in and out and Orton is no longer upside down. He plays more mind games with Wyatt as Kane recovers. Wyatt turns around and blocks a chokeslam. Kane sends him to the floor with a right hand. Wyatt backs away from the ring as the referee counts him out. He charges the ring but backs off again. Fans boo as Wyatt is counted out.

Winner By Count Out: Kane

– The pyro goes off for Kane as Wyatt laughs from the stage.

– We see Baron Corbin walking backstage. Charly Caruso approaches him and says he’s caught the attention of Jack Swagger after some impressive wins. Corbin always has everyone’s attention but if Swagger thinks he’s going to make waves on SmackDown, he’s dumber than he looks. Corbin threatens to drop Swagger where he… Swagger appears and they have words. Swagger challenges Corbin to a fight. Corbin does his talking in the ring. Swagger says he’s going to find Daniel Bryan and see if they can continue this conversation in the ring.

– Still to come, Nikki Bella vs. Alexa Bliss.

– Back from the break and we’re backstage with Wyatt. He says Orton’s time is coming.

Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Bella

We go to the ring and out comes Alexa Bliss. Nikki Bella is out next and we see that Carmella is on commentary.

Back and forth to start. Nikki takes control and they go to the floor. Carmella talks trash and Nikki drops her. Nikki brings it back in the ring but gets hit with boots in the corner. Nikki goes for the TKO but Carmella runs in and causes the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Nikki Bella

– After the bell, the heels double team Nikki until SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch makes the save. She fights off the double team until Nikki recovers and they clear the ring. Back to commercial.

Nikki Bella and Becky Lynch vs. Carmella and Alexa Bliss

Back from the break and Daniel Bryan has made a tag match. Bliss and Bella go at it now. Carmella interferes and Bliss takes control for a 2 count.

The finish sees Bliss get the pin on Lynch after coming off the top.

Winners: Alexa Bliss and Carmella

– After the match, Bliss rants about her title and makes her exit …

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