Mark Henry Reveals Worst Thing To Happen In His WWE Career, Big Show Names Strongest Wrestlers


Recently on WWE Network’s Table For 3, The Big Show, Kane, and Mark Henry sat down to chat about a number of topics including who The Big Show believes are the strongest professional wrestlers, Henry ripping off a locker door by its hinges with his bare hands, and the worst thing that ever happened to ‘The World’s Strongest Man’.

According to The Big Show, strength in professional wrestling should be considered through the lens of stability. In terms of stability, ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ thinks the strongest professional wrestlers are Henry, Kane, and John Cena.

“My tops are Mark Henry, John Cena, and Kane, not just because he’s sitting here. When I go by strength, it’s guys you work with in the ring and their stability. There are a lot of guys that are strong, that can throw around a lot of weight, but they’re not functionally strong in holding you or carrying you. And I know from people picking me up in the past who [has] had me.”

During the show, Henry talked about ripping a locker door off its hinges.

“In Lafayette. Arn Anderson. You know Arn always used to work out before he comes to the …

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