TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/29): Lethal Lockdown Cage Match, Bound For Glory Go Home Show





Tonight’s show opens in The Impact Zone. Jeremy Borash is in the ring and hypes the Lethal Lockdown main event. He introduces the two team captains for the match. Ethan Carter III and TNA World Champ Bobby Lashley. It is announced that each side will have 4 members that will include a TNA Knockout on each team. Both captains conduct a mini draft here.

Lashley introduces his 1st teammate as Drew Galloway. EC3 chooses Aron Rex as his 1st teammate. Lashley follows with The Miracle Mike Bennett. EC3 follows with Moose. Lashley introduces his 3rd teammate as Maria Kanellis Bennett. EC3 does the expected thing and picks Gail Kim. Lashley tells EC3 that his team is being led to slaughter and that when he picks the stipulation for BFG. He is going to destroy EC3. Ethan responds by saying that he is the guy to beat Bobby Lashley despite not being anything like him. He says that he must win the TNA world title. Lashley responds that EC3 has beaten big stars but none of those men can match up to him. Lashley says that he is going to end EC3’s career and that he will have nothing left. As Bobby is leaving the ring. EC3 challenges Lashley to be the first competitor in tonight’s Lockdown match with him. Lashley accepts.

Josh Matthews and The Pope reset the show at ringside. Josh announces that Reby Hardy will go one on one tonight with Rosemary. He also says that after the break. DJ Z will defend his X division title against Eddie Edwards.


DJ Z Vs Eddie Edwards

Fast paced action to start this one. DJ Z out paces Eddie Edwards in the early going. It didn’t take long for him to fly over the top rope and onto Edwards at ringside. Eventually Edwards turns the tables and does some aerial moves of his own. Hitting DJ Z with a suicide dive to the outside. Action back inside of the ring. Z attempts a huracanrana, Edwards blocks it. He attempts a power bomb but Z counters that back into the huracanrana for a near fall. Edwards hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Back and forth action. Edwards goes to the top rope. Leaps off but DJ moves out of the way. After a few quick counters, Edwards goes for the Boston Knee Party but Z quickly thwarts it and hits The ZDT for the pin fall victory.

DJ Z defeats Eddie Edwards to retain The TNA X Division Title

Post match. Both DJ and Eddie Edwards shake hands and hug. Out comes The Helms Dynasty of Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett. They attack both Z and Edwards. They quickly rid the ring of DJ Z by throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. They then turn their attention to Edwards and double team him. They hit a tandem drop toe hold/high knee to Edwards jaw that knocks him out. Lee and Everett celebrate over the fallen Edwards.

Backstage in a dressing room, Allie is with TNA Knockouts Champion and her boss Maria. Allie apologizes about what happened last week in the public tryout. Maria scolds Allie and demands an apology from her. Allie is forced to apologize several times. Laurel walks in. Maria then tells Allie that Laurel Van Ness is everything she isn’t. Tall, beautiful and intelligent. Maria calls Allie stupid and instructs her to assist Laurel when she goes out to the ring tonight. Maria tells Allie not to mess up again.

Back from the break. A Bound For Glory ad airs narrated by Broken Matt Hardy.

Josh Matthews is in an empty ring with Mike Bennett and Moose sitting in high chairs. Footage listed as being filmed earlier in the day. Matthews interviews the both of them about their upcoming match at Bound For Glory. Mike Bennett says that he and Moose used to have teamwork and that Moose had a job to do and he couldn’t do it. Moose responds that he has played in all levels of football and there has always been one constant on every team. Egotistical bastards like Mike Bennett. Guys who think that they are better than everyone else. Guys who run their mouth. Moose says that they used to throw guys like that into cold tubs and tie them up to goalposts to teach them a lesson. Bennett responds by telling Moose that this isn’t football. This isn’t The NFL. Bennett says that Moose’s days in The NFL are over. He states that Moose has always been jealous of him. Bennett says that after he beats Moose at BFG. The Moose chant will never be done again. Moose offers to give The Miracle a one way ticket straight to hell. Both men stand up and make their last statements to each other about how they are going to win sunday.

Back to the arena. Madison Rayne is introduced and enters the ring. Allie arrives and says hi…. She calls for everyone’s attention. She introduces Laurel Van Ness.

Madison Rayne Vs Laurel Van Ness

Van Ness gives Allie a water bottle and powder brush for her to hold as she enters the ring. Madison Rayne starts off the match on the offensive and hits a running dropkick on Laurel that knocks her to the outside. Laurel goes over to Allie. Allie tries to give her water, Laurel yells at her and says she wants her makeup fixed with the powder brush. Allie obliges. Back in the ring, more of the same. As Madison Rayne stays in control. Laurel gets out of her predicament by poking Rayne in the eyes. Laurel berates Allie at ringside and bullies her. Back in the ring, Laurel is in control. Taunting Rayne and the audience. Madison rallies and attempts three straight roll up pin attempts. She hits a northern lights suplex on Van Ness for a 2 count. Van Ness battles back and hits a curb stomp on Madison Rayne. Paging Seth Rollins and wins the match.

Laurel Van Ness defeats Madison Rayne by pinfall

As Jeremy Borash goes to introduce Laurel as the winner. Allie takes the mic from him and says that Maria wanted her to announce the winner. Allie botches the …

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