Lucha Underground Recap (9/27): Chavo Guererro Vs. Dragon Azteca With Rey Mysterio As Guest Referee





This week’s episode kicks off with a recap video of the last few week’s shows. The Trios champs feud with Worldwide Underground, Dario Cueto finding out that Cortez Castro is an undercover agent for the LAPD and Dario Cueto booking Rey Mysterio as a referee in tonight’s match between his student, El Dragon Azteca Jr and Chavo Guerrero.

Dario Cueto is approaching Sexy Star in her locker room. Star is holding her Gift of The Gods title. Dario tells Star that she looks worried after his brother Matanza injured The Mack last week. Dario asks Star if she is afraid for her friend or for herself. Sexy Star stands up and tells Dario Cueto that she will never be afraid ever again. Dario says that she should be afraid. He offers her a proposition. Continue defending her gift of the gods title, which Cueto says she will eventually lose or prove that she is not afraid by fighting Matanza for The Lucha Underground Championship. Dario tells her to not have any fear because that match will not happen tonight. Instead, Dario has another match scheduled for her. Sexy Star will team up with The Trios Champions against Worldwide Underground. As Cueto leaves, Johnny Mundo runs by yelling for Taya. He stops and looks at Sexy Star. Tells her that after all this time, He hasn’t introduced himself. He shakes her hand and says that he is going to be the next Gift of The Gods champion. They stare each other down and as Mundo leaves, Sexy kicks her locker in frustration.

We are in The Temple now. Matt Striker and Vampiro introduce the audience to this week’s show. They hype up tonight’s main event with the winner getting a chance at revenge against Pentagon Dark.

Sinestro De La Muerte Vs Prince Puma

Prior to the match starting. The commentators make mention of the loose alliance between Sinestro and Puma’s chief rival Mil Muertes. Fast paced high flying start to this match with Prince Puma winning the opening exchange with Sinestro. Puma then transitions to a more physical style with hard strikes and more aggressiveness than he has shown in the past. Sinestro makes a good showing for himself and rallies to even the odds in this match but this match is all about Prince Puma debuting a new style in Lucha Underground. As Puma is preparing to finish off Sinestro. Out comes Mil Muertes with Catrina. Muertes runs into the ring and charges at Puma. Puma sidesteps his spear attempt as Muertes falls to the floor. Sinestro tries to take advantage of Muertes distraction but fails to do so. Puma has a chance to put away Sinestro but refuses to do immediately. He instead stares down Muertes at ringside and hits Sinestro with Mil’s finisher “The Flatliner” to get the victory.

Prince Puma defeats Sinestro De La Muerte

Post match. Puma dives onto Muertes at ringside and starts pummeling him. Catrina pulls Muertes away from Puma and they leave as Puma stands tall in the ring.

Back from the show’s first break. Cortez Castro is entering Dario Cueto’s office. Castro sees Dario and says “You wanted to see me Boss”. Dario stands up and gives Castro a very strong hug. Dario says he wanted to see how his man Cortez Castro is doing. Dario says that he feels bad about what …

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