WWE SmackDown Results – WWE World Title Match, Randy Orton – Bray Wyatt, Eight-Man Match, More


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– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens with a quick promo before going to the opening video package. We’re live from Cleveland with Mauro Ranallo, David Otunga and JBL.

– We go right to the ring and out comes Randy Orton to a pop.

Orton addresses Bray Wyatt and says Bray does the things he does because he’s afraid. Orton says it’s nothing to be ashamed of because people are afraid of many things… heights, spiders… snakes. Orton says Wyatt is afraid of him. Orton says there’s been enough sneak attacks, he calls Wyatt to the ring if he’s man enough to come face his fears. The lights flash and we go backstage somewhere to Wyatt. Wyatt cuts a promo about how he’s a god and this is his world. Wyatt says he makes the rules and Orton is in no position to make demands. If Orton wants to hurt Wyatt, he better hurry because the sands of time wait for no mortal man. Wyatt is holding an hour-glass. He starts singing “The Whole World” and laughs to end the promo. Orton takes off to the back and it looks like he’s going hunting for Wyatt.

– The announcers hype tonight’s main event. Charly Caruso approaches Dean Ambrose backstage and asks what’s going through his mind. He says a lot is going through his mind but this is a PG show. Ambrose calls his win over John Cena last week old news, just like Cena is. Ambrose says he’s going to turn the face that runs the place into the guy that’s going to cry when he takes back the WWE World Title tonight.

– Still to come, a big eight-man tag team match. We go to commercial.

American Alpha, Heath Slater and Rhyno vs. The Ascension and The Usos

Back from the break and SmackDown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno are out as American Alpha waits in the ring with The Ascension. The Usos are out next with a new theme song.

Jason Jordan starts the match with slams to Jimmy Uso. Chad Gable tags in and works on Jimmy’s arm. Gable slams Uso and Jordan comes back in. Uso nails a forearm and a chop. Uso runs into an uppercut. Jordan with a takedown for a 2 count. Uso backs Jordan into their corner and in comes Jey Uso for some double teaming. Jordan lands on his feet and tags in Gable. The Usos get hit with double monkey flips by Alpha. Gable gets an armbar on the top rope applied to Uso. Gable fights both Usos off but Jey takes out the leg with a chop. Gable sells the leg injury as The Usos stand tall and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Viktor and Konnor are double teaming Gable in the corner. Konnor covers for a 2 count and goes back to working him over. Jimmy tags back in and beats on Gable in the corner as the referee warns him.

Viktor tags in but Gable sends him to the floor. Konnor rushes in but he also gets dropped. Gable keeps getting closer to a tag but The Ascension pulls Jordan off the apron. Rhyno takes them out on the floor. Gable gets close to a tag again but Uso stops him. They both go down and in comes Slater off the tag. Slater unloads on Jey Uso as fans pop. Slater with a high knee. Viktor comes in and Slater nails him too. Slater with the neckbreaker on Uso for a 2 count as Konnor breaks it. Gable and Rhyno take out Konnor. Viktor with a big uppercut on Rhyno. Jordan sends Viktor over the top to the floor. Slater dodges a superkick and rolls Jey up for a 2 count but Jimmy breaks it with a superkick. The Usos double team Slater and take out his left knee from behind. Jimmy wraps Slater up in a single-leg crab for the win.

Winners: The Usos and The Ascension

– After the match, the heels leave together as we go to replays. They taunt the babyfaces from the floor as they recover in the ring.

– We see John Cena walking backstage. Caruso approaches him for comments and says Cena will be at ringside for tonight’s main event. Cena will be watching the match very closely but using it to prepare to make history at No Mercy because he will finally be able to say the 16-time champ is here. Cena walks off.

– We see Maryse and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz backstage. He’s having a photo of himself put over a photo of LeBron James. Fans boo. His big homecoming celebration will be later.

– The Wyatts graphic flashes and we go backstage to somewhere strange as Randy Orton is looking for Bray Wyatt, apparently following a path Wyatt has set up. Orton takes a wrong turn and we see Erick Rowan. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Bray Wyatt. He taunts Orton and says he was never good at following directions. The clock is still ticking.

Carmella and Natalya vs. Naomi and Nikki Bella

We go to the ring and Carmella is out with Natalya. We get a pre-recorded video where Carmella knocks Nikki …

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