ROH TV Recap: Adam Cole & Hangman Page Vs Hiroshi Tanahashi & Michael Elgin, Build To Friday’s PPV






This week’s episode starts with a preview of the TV main event and hype for Friday’s All Star Extravaganza PPV which will be covered here live on WrestlingInc.


Great contrast of styles in this opening matchup. Silas Young is super serious almost to comedic levels. Never smiles, always ornery and threatening to hit fans on his way to ringside. Toru Yano is a notorious clown and trickster from New Japan Pro Wrestling. Has a long history of winning matches against major superstars by resorting to any and every cheap tactic in the book. Stuff like tying up wrestlers feet so that he can win by countout. Somehow he does it with such charm that he wins fans over despite having no integrity. The business has always been filled with comedy style wrestlers. Yano is one of the best.

Immediately, Toru Yano gets under Silas Young’s skin by throwing water on him before the match even starts. This gets a Yano chant going from The ROH crowd in Vegas. An agitated Silas Young tries to go after Yano early on. Yano cowers and heads for the ropes and asks the ref for assistance. Then Yano apologizes to Young for being cowardly. So he goes over to shake Young’s hand. Silas obviously hasn’t bought the DVD’s that Yano sells before his matches. Young falls for the gesture and gets rolled up for a 2 count.

Both men back on their feet. Yano tries to sell his sneaky tactic to Silas as just being a joke. Young ain’t buying it and goes after Toru Yano. Yano once again heads for the ropes to get Silas to back off. Yano yells “break” every time he intentionally wraps himself in the ropes. The fans chant “Break” along with him. As Silas is complaining to New Japan Ref Tiger Hattori. Yano sneaks up from behind and slaps Young. This starts a game of cat and mouse with Yano running away from Silas. Yano wins this game by catching Silas Young with an inverted atomic drop that sends him to the floor. Toru Yano offers to hold open the ring ropes for Young to get back in and tells Silas that he is sorry. Young doesn’t go for it and strikes Yano. As Silas is getting back in the ring, Yano kicks the middle rope that results in a low blow to Young. Yano starts admiring his handiwork a bit too much by showboating. Young rises up and hits Yano from behind. Silas on the offensive dropping 5 straight elbows on Yano and attempts a pinfall. Yano kicks out as the show goes to break.

Back from the break. Silas still in control wearing out Yano. Yano rallies and throws Young from the ring to the outside. He then attempts his signature spot of taking off the turnbuckles. ROH’s turnbuckles don’t come off easy. Different than the ones in New Japan that Yano is used to. So Toru goes under the ring and gets a tool to help him with his tactic. Yano gets the top rope turnbuckle off with this tool. Silas Young runs in and charges at Yano. Toru moves out of the way. Young stops short of hitting the exposed turnbuckle but when he turns, Yano hits Young with the turnbuckle pad. Both men start trading strikes in the middle of the ring. Yano of course wins the exchange by pulling Young down by his hair. More showboating by Yano. Young is back up, takes Toru down. Yano is on his knees begging for forgiveness and then attempts a low blow on Silas but he blocks it. Silas Young hits a cutter on Yano for a near fall. Young hits consecutive moves on Yano. A flying clothesline and a twisting spring board suplex for another near fall. Silas charges at Yano, He moves and Silas goes into the exposed turnbuckle. Yano rolls up for him a two count. Yano then grabs the ref to complain about his count. Silas comes up from behind, Yano hits a low blow on him and an inside cradle for another close fall. Two good false finishes in a row. The final sequence of this match sees Young hit a low blow on Yano. He throws him into the exposed turnbuckle and then rolls up Yano and holds the tights for the pinfall victory. Silas Young giving Toru Yano a taste of his own medicine.


Post match. Silas Young is not pleased with his victory. Decides to beat up on Yano. Out comes The Briscoes to save Toru Yano from the beating. The Briscoes and Yano are scheduled to team up together in the opening round of ROH’s Inaugural 6 Man Tag Title tournament. They will face Kushida, ACH and Jay White at the All Star Extravaganza pay per view this Friday night.

Kevin Kelly at ringside hypes Friday’s Ladder War 6 match for The ROH Tag Team Titles and then intros a video that he labels as a heartfelt response by Christopher Daniels.

Great promo by Christopher Daniels in this video. Must watch. He talks about his career and how he realizes that he may be reaching the end of his road. Calls himself a horrible husband and father and that the only thing he is good at is wrestling. How he will do whatever it takes to hold on to his tag titles when he and Kazarian face The Bucks and The Guns. Great line about how an athlete suffers two deaths and how Daniels …

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