WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Title Matches, Tag Main Event, Cruiserweights, Seth Rollins, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW kicks off with new WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns making his way out. Rusev and Lana wait in the ring.

WWE United States Title Match: Rusev vs. Roman Reigns

We get the bell and they go at it to start. Rusev takes Reigns down early on and keeps him grounded.

Back from a break and Rusev is still in control. Reigns powers out of a hold with big right hands but Rusev nails a nice dropkick to the mouth. Rusev stands tall as Lana laughs at ringside.

Rusev keeps control with big suplexes and two more pin attempts. Reigns finally makes a comeback and goes for the Superman punch but Rusev catches him and they both tumble over the top rope. Reigns lands on the back of Rusev’s head and both are down as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rusev covers for a 2 count. Rusev focuses on the back and they end up on the top. Reigns fights off a superplex and knocks Rusev to the mat. Reigns with a clothesline from the top. Reigns ends up catching Rusev in a Samoan Drop for a 2 count. More back and forth. Rusev misses a kick and eats a right hand. More shots from Reigns. Rusev with a spin kick for 2.

Rusev drops a pair of headbutts to the chest for another 2 count. Rusev goes back up top but Reigns knocks him to the floor with a right hand. Reigns follows and sends him into the barrier. Reigns brings it back in but Rusev nails a kick to the head. Reigns kicks out at 2. Rusev charges with the superkick but misses. Reigns misses a Superman punch. More back and forth now. Reigns runs into a superkick for another close pin attempt. Reigns ends up nailing a Superman punch but Rusev kicks out at 2. Lana tries to distract on the apron but it backfires and Reigns sends Rusev to the floor. Reigns nails a Drive By and works Rusev around the ring, sending him into the steps. Reigns knocks Rusev over the barrier into the crowd. Reigns fights Rusev through the crowd for the double count out.

Double Count Out

– After the bell, the two fight back to ringside and Rusev takes control. Reigns goes for a big Superman punch off the steps but Rusev nails a steel chair shot to the gut. Rusev with another chair shot to the back. He slides Reigns and the chair in the ring. Rusev goes in and waits with the chair. Reigns nails a spear and grabs the chair. Reigns takes a seat in the chair with his title as some fans boo. Reigns’ music hits as he looks down at Rusev and we go to replays.

Reigns music stops and he walks over to smack Rusev in the back with the chair. Rusev retreats to the floor with Lana as Reigns stands tall with the title again.

– Still to come, WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day defend against Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson in another Clash of Champions rematch. We go to Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They plug the new WWE 2K17 video game and lead us to the new cinematic trailer.

– We see Mick Foley walking backstage. He’s headed out to address Sheamus vs. Cesaro. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes RAW General Manager Mick Foley. We see how Sheamus vs. Cesaro ended at Clash of Champions and Foley invites both men to the ring. Sheamus is out first, followed by Cesaro.

Sheamus and Cesaro argue about who’s tougher and who deserves the title shot. Foley says they are both right and they both will get a title shot – together, against the winner of the next match. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day make their way out.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The New Day

Sheamus and Cesaro aren’t happy as Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson make their way out for this Clash rematch. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and the match is underway. Kofi takes out Gallows on the floor. Kofi and Anderson go back in the ring and Kofi kicks him into the corner. Gallows ends up coming in and turning it around but Kofi fights back. Kofi springboards and gets caught for a chokeslam. Gallows covers for a 2 count. We go to commercial with Gallows in control.

More back and forth after the break. Big E gets a tag and unloads on Anderson. Big E dances a bit and runs the ropes for a splash on Anderson but knocks Gallows to the floor instead. Kofi flies out onto Gallows as well. Big E and Anderson go at it again. Big E runs into the ring post and Anderson dropkicks him for a 2 count. Anderson waits for Big E to get up. Big E dodges and sends him to the apron. Big E spears Anderson through the second rope to the floor. Xavier Woods cheers them on at ringside. They hit the Midnight Hour for a 2 count as Gallows breaks it.

Gallows goes to chokeslam Kofi but he knees him in the face. Anderson and Gallows are both on the floor now. Big E tags in and Kofi runs the ropes but Gallows pulls him out and sends him into the steel steps. Anderson with a top rope neckbreaker on Big E. Gallows comes in and they hit Magic Killer on Big E but Kofi breaks a close 2 count. Gallows tosses Kofi to the floor. Gallows kicks Woods in the neck from the ring. Anderson tags in but Kofi nails a DDT. Gallows gets sent to the floor. Kofi nails Trouble In Paradise on Anderson for the win.

Winners: The New Day

– After the bell, The New Day recovers as Gallows and Anderson make their exit. The New Day celebrates as we go back to the announcers.

– The announcers show us shots from the Clash of Champions main event. We also see the post-show video with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon leaving together. Cole confirms that Rollins has some damage to his ribs and he’s not medically cleared to compete tonight.

– Back from the break and Cesaro and Sheamus are arguing backstage. Foley walks in and he’s fired up. He says they stole the show last night and proved 7 matches wasn’t enough. He can’t put them out there for an 8th match because he risks losing one of them for good. But if he puts them together, they could change the face of tag team wrestling. Foley says some times you put two people together and they create magic. He asks …

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