Derrick Rose Facing Sanctions in Court Due to Language Used by Defense Team


Derrick Rose, who is scheduled to go on trial for sexual assault on Oct. 4, is facing sanctions in court stemming from his defense team’s use of language that has shamed the alleged victim. 

According to an official court order obtained by The White Bronco’s Daniel Werly, U.S. District Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald said, “If Defendant Rose continues to utilize language that shames and blames the victims of rape either in his motion practice or before the jury, the Court will consider sanctions.”

The woman accusing Rose and his two friends of rape previously said the defense team for the New York Knicks point guard had engaged in “victim blaming” by labeling her a “sexual aggressor,” according to the New York Daily News’ Dareh Gregorian. 

The Washington Post’s Katie Mettler reported the woman’s defense team claims “it’s a tactic Rose’s attorneys have used to intimidate the woman into dropping her lawsuit, an …

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