WWE Main Event Recap: SMACKDOWN Tag-Team Champions In Action, Breezango, RAW Cruiserweights Featured


The Main Event opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. RAW’s Rich Swann and Lince Dorado make their entrances as Tom Philips and David Otunga check in on commentary.

Rich Swann vs. Lince Dorado

They lock up. Dorado gets waiste lock locked in. Swann reverses it into a headlock prior to Dorado reversing that into a wristlock. Swann is eventually able to get his own wristlock locked in. Dorado gets out of it with a modified headscissors. Dorado hits a shoulder block. They both hit the ropes several times, dodging each other’s attacks. Dorado rolls up Swann before Swann flips Dorado over for a two count. Dorado attempts a hurricanrana. Swann does a cartwheel out of it though. Swann goes for a hurricanrana of his own. Dorado lands on his feet though. Swann starts dancing, Dorado kicks him. Dorado hits the ropes and runs at Swann. Swann moves out of the way and kicks Dorado’s leg out, sending him through the ropes and out of the ring. Swann at tampers a suicide dive, but Dorado kicks him in the head. Swann roles out of the ring as Dorado gets back in it. Dorado connects with a dropkick between the ropes to Swann to keep him outside the ring. Dorado hits an Assai Moonsault on to Swann at ringside as we head into a commercial break.

Dorado has a shoulder submission locked in on Swann as we return from the commercial. Swann fights out of it. Dorado hits a spinkick on Swann. Dorado sends Swann into the turnbuckles. Dorado pins Swann for a two count. Dorado locks in a modified headlock on Swann. Swann fights out of it. Dorado slaps Swann’s chest. Dorado sends Swann to the corner and runs at him. Swann gets out of the way, Dorado does a backflip. Swann attempts three clotheslines, taking Dorado down with the third one. Swann kicks Dorado and pins him for a two count. Swann goes for rolling thunder, Dorado gets his knees up though. Dorado pins Swann for a two count. Dorado goes for a German Suplex, Swann lands on his feet. Dorado dropkicks Swann before pinning him for a two count. Dorado elbows Swann in the face, prior to kicking him. Swann then kicks Dorado in the mid-section. Swann hits a jumping double stomp to the back of Dorado before pinning him for a two count. Dorado eventually is able to hit another …

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