World Olympians Association Condemns WADA Data Leaks And Calls For Reform


The World Olympians Association (WOA) today condemned the actions of pro-Russian cyber hacking group Fancy Bears and the public release of athletes’ confidential medical information.

The leaks, which have included the medical details of several swimmers, provides an opportunity to open “debate on the future and that changes are needed in the anti-doping system which, in our view, is failing clean athletes”.

In a statement on the leaks, WOA sets out a three-point reform plan based on:

anti-doping testing that is fully independent of countries, sports and event organisers; a permanent mechanism to allow clean athletes to compete even if their country/sport is sanctioned; and dramatically increased funding for research into improved anti-doping testing.

WOA noted that it “believes that by illegally disclosing the private Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) records of athletes held on WADA’s Anti-Doping Administration and Management system the …

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