Ring Of Honor TV Recap: Kazuchika Okada & RPG Vice Vs. The Addiction & Kamaitachi And More






This week’s show opens with the return of Steve Corino. He is introduced to the crowd and takes his place back at ringside with Kevin Kelly. Kelly welcomes him back with a hug. Kelly then promotes the main event of tonight’s show where IWGP Champion, Kazuchika Okada teams with RPG Vice to take on The Addiction and their partner Kamaitachi. Corino states that he’s happy to be back on commentary after nearly a year away and is looking forward to this week’s action.

The Cabinet w/ Caprice Coleman vs The Guerrillas of Destiny

G.O.D are the sons of the legendary Haku. Bullet Club members Tama Tonga and Tanga Roa. Former IWGP tag team champions. No customary code of honor show of respect between both teams prior to the match. Steve Corino on commentary does a nice job of breaking down the differences between Tama and Tanga. A unique breakdown of how Roa is an offensive wrestler while Tonga is a “rare defensive wrestler”. Very rare to hear that type of analysis from a commentator. Refreshing actually. Both Kelly and Corino do an excellent job during this match breaking down the action but more importantly the talents in the ring.

The G.O.D. control the early part of this match. Kenny King finally starts to get things going for The Cabinet and he and Rhett Titus start showboating at ringside when they gain the upper hand. The show goes to break. As they return, Roa is in the ring with Rhett Titus and hits a suplex and tags in his brother. Tama comes in fast and the pace of the match picks up. Especially when Kenny King gets in the ring with him. King hits a spine buster on Tonga for the match’s first near fall. The Cabinet starts double teaming Tonga. His brother makes the save. This leads to all 4 men brawling inside the ring. The slugfest goes to the outside. As G.O.D. is beating down Titus. King leaps over the top rope and onto both samoans. The Cabinet takes Tonga into the ring and they start hitting some tandem offense. Tonga rallies against them both. He hits a swinging neck breaker on Titus and then follows that with a samoan drop on Kenny King. The Guerrilas then set up Titus and hit a power bomb/neckbreaker combination on him but he kicks out at 2 and a half.

Kenny King is up and he throws Tonga out of the ring. The Cabinet have the brief advantage now. Titus distracts the referee. Caprice Coleman goes to the top rope and tries to jump onto Roa but a recovered Tama Tonga pushes him off of the top rope and onto Kenny King. Tonga then hits what looks like a modified superman punch on Rhett Titus. The G.O.D then hit their finisher, an aided double arm ddt they call “Guerilla Warfare” and they win the match.

The Guerillas of Destiny defeat The Cabinet

Post match. As G.O.D. celebrates in the ring. Caprice Coleman gets on commentary briefly to air his grievances about his group’s loss. Kevin Kelly then transitions to a video recap of what took place last week between Jay Lethal and Tetsuya Naito. The video shows how Naito turned his back on Lethal and abandoned him during their match with The Bullet Club.

Jay Lethal is now backstage in front of The ROH banner. He calls this situation. The best of both worlds because this is business and personal. On the business side, Lethal must defeat Tetsuya Naito so that he can start his climb back to the world championship. On the personal side, He is on a mission for revenge. That the day, Naito turned his back on him. It was the 2nd worst day of Naito’s life. The 1st will be at All Star Extravaganza on Friday September 30th.

Back from the break, Another recap video is shown. This time, It’s a history piece on the relationship between War Machine’s Ray Rowe and Shane Taylor. Taylor tells the story of how, Ray Rowe trained him and then abandoned him for stardom. How he turned his back on him. That’s why Taylor and his partner, Keith Lee have been on a mission to destroy Ray Rowe and his partner Hanson. Taylor closes the …

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