WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Steel Cage Match, Cruiserweights Fatal 4 Way, Braun Strowman, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens with a look back at last week. We cut to the RAW opening video.

– We’re live from Memphis as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves.

– We go right to the ring and out comes Roman Reigns to a very mixed reaction. Reigns takes the mic but is immediately interrupted by RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says she understands why Reigns is out but she has a show to run. She and Mick Foley came up with a solution and… She’s quickly interrupted by RAW General Manager Mick Foley.

Foley says they did come up with a solution and it was his doing. Foley admits he let last week’s show get away from him while Stephanie was in Singapore on business. Foley says he’s made Rollins vs. WWE United States Champion Rusev for tonight because of their actions in last week’s main event. Reigns wonders what that does for him. Foley says Reigns will get his shot at Rusev on Sunday for the title at Clash of Champions. Foley talks about how they’re all on the same team when it comes down to it and in a battle for their jobs against SmackDown. He makes Reigns vs. Owens for the Universal Title as tonight’s main event. This brings out Owens, who says he beat Reigns twice last week and should be preparing for Sunday’s match. Foley ends up making tonight’s main event a steel cage match.

Seth Rollins vs. Rusev

Rollins’ music hits and he comes out as Owens looks on from the stage. Rollins stops and looks at Owens before heading to the ring as everyone else is leaving. Reigns and Rollins also exchange looks. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Stephanie is talking to Foley about the main event. Rusev and Lana walk up. Rusev isn’t happy about Reigns getting a title shot but he manages to plug WWE Studios’ “Interrogation” with Lana and Edge, which comes out tomorrow. Lana is holding a copy of the DVD. Foley sends Rusev to the ring and congratulates Lana on the movie. Foley answers his phone and it’s Chris Jericho. We go back to the ring and Rusev makes his way out while Rollins waits.

Rusev retreats early on as Rollins gets the upperhand. Rollins follows but gets driven into the ring post as Rusev catches him. Rusev brings it back in the ring and works Rollins over. Rusev drops an elbow for a 1 count. Rusev keeps control and stands tall as fans boo him and Lana looks on from ringside. Rollins tries to fight back but Rusev drops him. Rusev misses a diving headbutt and Rollins fights back again. Rollins goes to the top but Rusev brings him to the mat. We go to commercial with Rusev in control.

Back from the break and Rusev is still in control. Rollins nails an enziguri. Rusev comes at him but gets dropped into the turnbuckles. Rollins ducks a clothesline and nails a Slingblade. More back and forth. Rollins with a Falcon Arrow for a 2 count. Rusev turns it back around with kicks for a 2 count. Rollins ends up hitting the knee from the top to the face. Rollins goes back to the top but Rusev rolls to the floor. Rollins nails a dive, sending Rusev into the barrier. Rusev comes right back in but Rollins does it again and nails a dive. The referee counts as they brawl up the ramp to the stage. They are both counted out.

Double Count Out

– After the bell, Rusev keeps pounding on Rollins and takes him to the edge of the stage. Rollins counters a move right beside the announce table and knocks Rusev off the stage. Rollins takes the top off the announce table and climbs up. He nails a big crossbody from the announce table and the stage, down to Rusev. Cole calls it a first. We go to replays as Rusev looks up dazed.

– Dana Brooke is backstage with WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte and Mick Foley. They’re showing footage from last week where there was a double pin in the #1 contenders match. Charlotte says Sasha is not the #1 contender. Dana suggests Foley cancel tonight’s tag match and make a new match to decide the #1 contender. Foley just adds Bayley to Sunday’s match, making it a Triple Threat and credits Dana for the idea. He walks off and Charlotte gets upset, then shoves Dana to the floor. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see the steel cage hanging high. The announcers hype the cruiserweight division. They lead us to a video package on Cedric Alexander and Brian Kendrick.

– Chris Jericho is backstage with WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens complaining about Foley. Jericho is going to make a list of everything that’s wrong with Foley and give it to him and Foley’s not going to like it. Jericho storms off.

Braun Strowman vs. Sin Cara

We go to the ring and Sin Cara waits as Braun Strowman makes his way out.

The bell rings and Cara goes to work but Strowman overpowers him. Strowman runs over Cara in the middle of the ring. Braun beats on Cara while he’s down and applies a vice grip. Cara tries to break it but gets tossed to the floor.

Braun follows but Cara goes back in and dropkicks him through the ropes. Cara tries to make a comeback but Braun catches a moonsault and finishes him for the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– After the match, we get replays as Braun stands tall. Cara is down on the floor.

– Sasha Banks is backstage warming up when Bayley appears. She’s excited to be in the ring with Sasha again this Sunday, saying it’ll be like old times. Sasha says they did make history together but that was then and this is the new era. Sasha says she had Bayley beat last week but Bayley disagrees. She says the good news is one of them will be the new champion on Sunday but they disagree on who. They agree to show everyone how it’s done in the tag match tonight and Bayley walks off. Back to commercial.

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Dana Brooke and Charlotte

Back from the break and out first comes Sasha Banks. Partner Bayley is out next. Dana Brooke is out next with WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte leading the way.

Sasha starts with Dana and takes control. Bayley tags in but Dana turns it around. Dana talks trash and tags in Charlotte for some double teaming in the corner. Bayley counters Charlotte in the corner and slams her head into the turnbuckles repeatedly. Bayley sends Charlotte into Dana, then …

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