TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/15): Delete Or Decay Aftermath, Grand Championship Tourney Continues





Technically, The header for this show lists it as being taped in Orlando but as recent Impacts have shown. Parts of each show have taken place on rooftops, The Hardy estate in North Carolina, An undisclosed Decay location in the backwoods and tonight an empty arena match between Rockstar Spud and Braxton Sutter. So these shows have not all been Impact zone related tapings. Even though the empty arena match is.

Tonight’s Impact begins with a post Delete or Decay video. Matt Hardy going over the fallout of their battle with The Decay. Matt Hardy is on a mission to rebuild The Hardy House. He is now wheeling Brother Nero in a wheelchair and brings him to the “lake of reincarnation” to “heel and regenerate his mortal flesh”. Matt speaks in tongues and chants regenerate. He puts Nero into the Lake and out comes Jeff Hardy in a suit wearing his old TNA world title. Jeff says that the champ is here and he starts smoking a cigarette. Matt says that this isn’t the regeneration that he was looking for. So he dunks Jeff into the lake again. Jeff emerges as The “Nefarious Nero” that Matt was hoping for. Nero says he is going after The Decay and starts chanting obsolete. Matt is pleased. Next order of business for him is finding his old friend, Senor Benjamin.

We are now in The Impact Zone. World Champ, Bobby Lashley is making his way to the ring. Highlights are shown of last week’s championship press conference where Lashley left EC3 laying and transported into an ambulance. Jeremy Borash is in the ring and asks Bobby how he feels about potentially ruining The Bound For Glory main event. Lashley says that at the start of the year, He promised that 2016 would be the year that he took over the wrestling industry. Lashley says no one in any company is as dominant as he is and he showed that by taking out EC3. Lashley is once again asked by Borash if he has ruined the Bound For Glory main event. Lashley says that EC3 made the claim that he was the face of TNA and Lashley smashed that face. EC3 claimed that he was carrying TNA on his back and thanks to Lashley, EC3 can’t carry anything any more.

Lashley sees that the fans are upset because he crushed their hero. Lashley says that now that EC3 won’t be able to wrestle him at The Bound for Glory pay per view. He offers Jeremy Borash the opportunity to face him instead. Lashley says it’s just a joke and Borash dismisses the idea. Bobby says that anyone in the TNA locker room that faces him is a joke. Out comes TNA jokester himself, Grado. Grado dances into the ring and puts his fanny pack over his shoulder as if it were a title. Lashley says what the hell are you doing. Lashley calls Grado a joke and says he can’t tell if facing Grado instead of Borash would be a bigger joke. Grado says that he has known Borash for years and that Jeremy is a bigger joke than him. Grado says that he is friends with EC3 and he wants to get revenge against Lashley and prove that he is no joke. Lashley says that he is going to hurt anyone that gets in his way. Grado stands up to Lashley and says that even though, he is the world champ. Even he can be beaten. Lashley strikes Grado down in response. Beats him down and then hits a spear to lay him out. Lashley says that people need to stop pissing him off. He states that he can kill anyone on the entire roster and that he can’t be beaten.

Moose’s music hits and he heads to the ring to confront Lashley. They both get into a staredown in the middle of the ring and then start trading punches. Moose hits a lariat on Lashley. Who goes down and rolls out of the ring. Moose is on the mic. He promises to beat Lashley. He says everyone in the arena wants to see Lashley vs Moose and that if Bobby doesn’t come out later to face him. He is going to drag him into the ring from the locker room and beat him down.

A Grand Championship Tournament video airs narrated by Jeremy Borash. It goes over the rules and last week’s results. It caps off by hyping more tournament action for tonight.

Aron Rex is backstage. He says he came here to Impact wrestling to become something special. He is finding his love again for the business here in TNA. Says that The Grand Championship is unlike anything he or the business has ever seen. Rex says that the difference between he and his rival, Drew Galloway, is the fact that Drew has been given opportunities while he has had to take whatever hasn’t been given to him. Rex promises to see Drew down the road in the tournament as the show goes to break.

Bobby Lashley is backstage now as we return to the show. Lashley teases accepting Moose’s challenge for tonight but ends up saying no. He says that fighting him is bad for Moose’s health as he walks away.



Aron Rex heads to the ring dressed in attire that is not familiar to him or audiences that have followed his career. A White Impact throw over type shirt if you want to call it that. White tights and white boots. Black elbow pads and his signature Damien Sandow styled knee pads except these are pink. Not really Aron’s best in ring attire.


In case you missed it last week. This is a single elimination tournament. 3 rounds, 3 minutes each with 10 point scoring system after each round. Pinfalls and submissions can end the match. No definitive word yet on dq’s. This is treated as a sporting type contest so I suppose any interference is not tolerated. Or any illegal tactic. Also a wrestler’s aggressiveness during any given round helps determine how high he scores.

The clock begins as does the match. Two quick pin fall attempts by Rex on Lee to start off. Rex takes Lee down to the mat with a side headlock. Hits a shoulder block and attempts another pin fall. Lee eventually fights back and we are under 2 minutes in round #1. Rex wins a battle of striking with Lee. The action spills to the outside momentarily. Lee hits a big spinning kick on Rex and throws him into the ring and attempts a pinfall. Just under a minute left, Lee still on the offensive. Tries to apply a submission hold on Rex. The clock is ticking away as Lee has a chinlock on Rex. Rex escapes and hits two clotheslines as round one ends.

ROUND ONE SCORECARD: Aron Rex wins round one over Trevor Lee 29-28. Judges 1 and 3 ruled 10-9 for Rex while Judge 2 had Lee winning the round 10-9.


Some counters and reversals in the early going of the round. Rex gets an inside cradle for a 2 count on Lee. 2 minutes remaining in the round. Rex gets a Russian leg sweep on Lee and then follows that with an elbow drop. Rex tries to apply a submission hold but Lee gets to the ropes. Breaks it up, rises to his feet and hits a high knee to Rex’s jaw. This gets Trevor a 2 count. Both men on their feet. Rex hits a clothesline and a nice looking spinning forearm on Lee. This results in Aron Rex pinning and defeating Trevor Lee.


Post match. Aron Rex celebrates and has his hand raised and is announced as the winner of the match by Jeremy Borash.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash magically appears in front of The Impact monitors and introduces TNA Knockout champion Maria. Maria calls herself the greatest Knockouts champ and tonight, she will found out, who she will be defending her Knockouts title against at Bound For Glory. Maria mockingly says that she doesn’t want to ruin Gail Kim’s hall of fame induction. Borash says that the induction is scheduled for Bound For Glory. Maria corrects Jeremy and says that it is actually tonight. Maria instructs Jeremy to go and tell Gail that her induction is taking place tonight.

Back from the break. Matt Hardy is at his estate in North Carolina. Continuing his search. He finds a destroyed Vanguard One. Broken Matt starts crying when he holds the damaged Vanguard One in his hands. As somber piano music plays in the background. Matt says “don’t you dare do this to me” to Vanguard One. Matt falls and screams with Vanguard clutched into his arms. Very touching moment…… Matt rises to his knees with Vanguard One laid before him. He looks to the heavens and begs the seven deities to install the …

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