Lucha Underground Recap (9/14): Weapons Of Mass Destruction Match, Dario Cueto Drama Unfolds




Tonight’s show opens with a video recap of Dario Cueto’s release from prison last week. Then a video package is shown from Famous B’s storyline last season. His hiring of Mascarita Sagrada and firing at Ultima Lucha Dos. Where he introduced his new client, Dr. Wagner Jr. This video is followed by last week’s meeting between Dario Cueto and Marty The Moth and the reveal of tonight’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Match.

After the opening video hyping tonight’s show airs. Footage is shown from police headquarters. The footage is labeled as being directly after the ending of Ultima Lucha Dos Part 2. The night where Dario Cueto was recorded murdering undercover informant “Mr. Cisco”. Undercover agents, Joey Ryan and Cortez Castro are in a room with LAPD Captain Vasquez and they are listening in to the murder. Once the wire tap recording of the murder ends. Cortez tells the Captain that they have Cueto now for murder and they are going to go arrest him. Captain Vasquez says that the case is bigger than just a street thug getting killed. Which upsets Cortez since Cisco was his friend and tag team partner. Joey Ryan laughs at Cortez for having feelings for Cisco and they start fighting in the room. After a brief and awkward looking scuffle, Vasquez tells “Detective Reyes” that this case is more important than Cortez getting justice. That there is a war coming. An angry Cortez leaves the room as the footage ends.

We are now in the temple. Matt Striker and Vampiro welcome the audience to the show and promote tonight’s main event. Striker directs the audience’s attention to Melissa Santos in the ring. As Melissa Santos starts the opening match introductions, She is interrupted by Famous B. Famous takes the mic away from her and says Melissa isn’t famous enough to introduce his client. Famous B introduces Dr. Wagner as The Surgeon of Suffering and also introduces his nurse Brenda.

Melissa now gets the microphone back from Famous B and she introduces Dr. Wagner’s opponent. Former Famous B client, Mascarita Sagrada Jr.


Very quick match. Wagner disrespects Sagrada early on. Mascarita manages to get in one offensive maneuver. A headscissors on Wagner before the doctor grabs Mascarita and hits the Doctor Driver for the victory.


Post match. Famous B gets a stethoscope from Nurse Brenda and checks on Sagrada’s heartbeat to see if he is still alive. As the show goes to break.

Back from the break. A vignette airs with the title “A millennia ago”. An Aztec child is being rushed into the hut of an old Aztec Warrior. While an Aztec guard waits outside. The young female Aztec is in the hut and calls out to her ailing father. The father tells his daughter that it is too late for him. That his daughter must now lead the fight against the gods. The Aztec father tells his daughter that there is a war coming and that the war is more important than all of them. As he is grasping for every breath, He hands his daughter an amulet that is called The “Piedra Immortal”. He says that the amulet’s power only works on females. Which is why his daughter must take it. The daughter asks her father what the amulet is and does… The father says that once she becomes a woman. She will never grow old. That she will never die and will be immortal. The father then tells her daughter that even if it takes a thousand years that this war is too important to lose. As the father is dying, His last plea to his daughter is that she understands what he has just told her. After saying no momentarily. The daughter says she understands as her father passes away.

We now go to LAPD headquarters present day. Actually, The night of Ultima Lucha Dos Part III to be exact. Captain Vasquez is shown holding that amulet in her hands and staring at it. The circular amulet is now split in half. As Detective Cortez walks into the captain’s room. She quickly hides the amulet. Cortez informs Vasquez that it took a week of work for …

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