WWE CWC Finale Results: New WWE Cruiserweight Champion And CWC Winner Crowned


Welcome and thanks for joining us for the live viewing party of the WWE Cruiserweight Classic Finale. Hit the SHARE buttons on the page to let others know about our coverage.

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– Triple H narrates a video package as we open up the LIVE finale. Hope you all are looking as forward to this as I am.

– Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan welcome us to the CWC as we get ready for our first match of the semi-finals.

– Great video package highlight the final four competitors and their journeys to the semi’s.

– Ring announcer Mike Rome announces that the semi-final matches will have a 30-minute time limit.

Gran Metalik vs. Zack Sabre, Jr. (Semi-Final Match)

As expected with these two, a friendly handshake gets us started and we get the first “Mama Mia” from Ranallo as Metalik immediately hits a drop kick and suicide dive to the outside and a senton on the way back in. Metalik covers for a two. ZSJ regains control with a European uppercut and strikes. Sabre working over the neck of the luchador as he slows down the pace. Head scissors and half crab combo from Sabre but Metalik gets to the ropes. An interesting “Lucha Libre/Technical” dueling chant from the Full Sail crowd. Metalik catches Sabre with a painful looking leg submission. After the release, he hits a thundering slap. A bit sloppy for a second, but they gather it back in as Sabre locks in a Dragon Sleeper but Metalik makes the ropes.

Sabre breaking out a new side we haven’t seen with some aggressive strikes and uppercuts. Metalik halts the assault with a super kick and running shooting star press. After a series of pin attempts, Metalik locks in what looks to be a triangle choke of sorts. Sabre straight into a tilt-a-whirl guillotine that Metalik fights out of with stiff strikes. Both men on their knees in the center of the ring throwing hay makers and throwing styles out the window. Springboard back elbow for a two count for Metalik.

Huge penalty kick from ZSJ for a two and a half. Back in the center of the ring as both are exhausted throwing strikes again. Off a bevy of counters, Sabre uses some misdirection to apply the Octopus, but Metalik makes the break. They head to the top and Metalik sends Sabre straddling the ropes and hits a huge rana. ZSJ counters a springboard into a triangle but Metalik scoots out. Metalik hits a Metalik Driver out of almost nowhere for the three and the victory. Gran Metalik heads to the finals.

Winner via Pinfall: Gran Metalik

– William Regal comes out and bestows a finalist’s medal to Gran Metalik. Charly Carusso and Andrea DiMarco interview Metalik ahead of his finals match. He thanks the crowd and says he’s number one.

– Backstage with Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa. They are cleared to compete and will take on Noam Dar and Cedric Alexander tonight. They say they are coming for The Revival and the NXT Tag Team titles.

Kota Ibushi vs. T.J. Perkins (Semi-Final Match)

A more stern handshake but no confrontation as the bell rings. This one starts off a bit slower as they feel each other out early. Perkins checks the kick of Ibushi. Early knee bar attempt by TJP but Ibushi sneaks out easily. More of a thinking man’s match thus far as they counter each other. Spinning head scissors take down by Perkins but no dab. Irish whip ends up with Ibushi nailing a stiff kick to the midsection of Perkins. Springboard drop kick from Ibushi sends Perkins to the outside. Ibushi went for his signature moonsault, but Perkins scouts it well and knocks him off the ropes and lands badly.

Ibushi barely makes it back in at a nine count and Perkins maintains his attack with a back drop kick. Ibushi lands another swift kick but Perkins counters with a dragon screw take down and envelopes the body of Ibushi with a submission. Both men going move for move. Ibushi catches Perkins with a hurricanrana and sends him out of the ring. Ibushi hits the Golden Triangle Moonsault. Missile drop kick from Ibushi for a two count. Perkins catches Ibushi with a knee bar but Ibushi crawls to the ropes for the break.

Ibushi done playing games and absolutely smashing kicks into the side of Perkins. The referee breaks it up and Perkins lays lifeless near the apron. Ibushi goes for the German suplex over the ropes but Perkins fights out. Springboard wrecking ball drop kick from Perkins. TJ …

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