WWE NXT Results (9/14): NXT Champion Stretchered Out, Bobby Roode Main Events, Tag & Women’s Matches


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– Tom Phillips welcomes us to tonight’s NXT

– Samoa Joe comes out to address his current situation. He’s still not medically cleared but is still due a rematch for the NXT Championship. He says he’s had some time to think since he’s been on the shelf. He says he was a disgrace while holding the NXT title. He says NXT is the hottest brand in NXT today. Joe wants Shinsuke Nakamura to join him in the ring and says he’s not leaving until Nakamura comes out.

Nakamura comes out to a big pop and the fans chorusing his theme. Joe says he meant it when he said Nakamura was an undeserving contender, but now declares Nakamura a worthy champion. Joe says as soon as he’s ready and cleared, he wants his rematch. Nakamura teases the crowd hanging on his words and finally says “you’re on” as he accepts the rematch challenge. Joe goes for a handshake before he leaves the ring and they have a friendly exchange before heading to the back.

But not so fast. As Nakamura acknowledges the crowd from the ramp, Joe attacks and destroys him at ringside. Officials come out to separate them but not before a slam on to the ringside steps. Nakamura is down and medical personnel are brought out for a stretcher job. William Regal, Corey Graves, and others go to ringside to help out. After the ring is cleared, Regal goes to find Joe as the former champ speeds out of the parking lot.

Liv Morgan vs. Rachel Fazio

The formerly named Rachel Ellering taking on the Jersey Girl Liv Morgan. Fazio clearly the more powerful of the two having some weight lifting background while Morgan displays some athletic aerial type assaults. Liv quickly locks in a submission …

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