FIVB Volleyball House wins award for best hospitality house of Olympic Games in Legacy category


Lausanne, Switzerland, September 14, 2016 – The FIVB Volleyball House continues to inspire and impress a month after the Rio 2016 Olympic Games as it has been announced as the winner of a “Hospitality Houses of the Rio 2016 Games” award in the legacy category.   The award is an initiative of Rio Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Olympic Municipal Company (EOM), the Secretariat of International Relations of Rio de Janeiro and Coordination of International Relations of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and aims to highlight the work done by the Hospitality Houses in Rio. The FIVB Volleyball House was located in Cicero Penna School on Copacabana which the FIVB renovated as part of its social legacy project in Rio.  This included the installation of wireless internet, upgrades to the furniture, …

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