WWE SmackDown Results – Dean Ambrose Attacks John Cena, New Champions, Heath Slater Signs, More


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– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens up with a look back at the Backlash pay-per-view. We cut to the SmackDown opening video.

– We’re live from Philadelphia as Greg Hamilton introduces the new WWE World Champion AJ Styles. Out he comes to a pop as Mauro Ranallo welcomes us to SmackDown. He’s joined by David Otunga and JBL.

Styles takes the mic and announces that the champ is here. Styles goes on about how he told ya so. Styles says everything he said he would do, he did. He beat John Cena at SummerSlam and now he’s the face that runs the place. He beat Dean Ambrose at Backlash and now he’s the WWE World Champion. AJ mentions how he could beat Cena with one hand tied behind his back. AJ goes on, yelling about how he’s the champ that runs the camp. John Cena’s music hits and out he comes.

Cena says AJ has something that belongs to him and he wants it back. Styles takes off the armband and says he doesn’t need it anyway, he’s got the WWE World Title. He throws the band at Cena. Cena says AJ still has something that belongs to him and the bad news for AJ is, Cena’s finally decided that he’d like to take it back. Cena points at the title and quotes Ric Flair on beating the man to be the man. Cena says if he could hold that gold just one more time, then he’s in the conversation with The Man. Cena says he can’t think of a better person to make history off of than Styles. Cena says AJ is the face that runs the place but he’s the man who doesn’t quit. Cena says he has one goal – to announce that the 16-time champ is here. Fans mostly cheer. Dean Ambrose’s music hits and out he comes to interrupt.

Ambrose comes right to AJ and he raises the title in Ambrose’s face. Ambrose says AJ did something wrong when he kicked him below the belt. AJ became his enemy with that move. Ambrose says he’s not just taking the title back, he’s taking it back with interest. Cena turns Ambrose around. Cena knocks Dean for complaining about a low blow when he hung AJ by his crotch a few weeks ago. Cena says Steve Austin was right about Ambrose on his podcast. Cena is surprised the low blow hurt Ambrose. He says Ambrose is just showing everyone that he has no balls. A “Cena” chant starts up. Ambrose says Cena must be mistaking him for someone that gives a damn what he thinks. Ambrose has no patience for Cena, his speeches or his bullcrap. Ambrose calls Cena a lazy part-timer. Ambrose says WWE uses Cena for morning shows and things like that. Ambrose says we all know Cena can’t get it done in the ring anymore. He couldn’t even get past the chump AJ at SummerSlam and won’t be able to get past him. Ambrose says he’ll never back down from a lazy part-time Hollywood wannabe. Shane McMahon’s music hits and out comes the SmackDown Commissioner.

Shane says he couldn’t help but come out. He gives Cena and AJ props for tearing the house down at SummerSlam. He also gives AJ props for beating Cena in the middle of the ring. Shane finds the “face that runs the place” saying annoying but says AJ has earned it. Shane also comments on AJ and Ambrose tearing the house down at Backlash but says AJ took the easy way out and that’s not how he would like to see the WWE Champion crowned but AJ is the champion. Shane says Ambrose is due his one-on-one rematch but they will discuss that later. Shane announces Styles vs. Ambrose vs. Cena for No Mercy with the title on the line. He also announces Cena and Ambrose vs. AJ and a partner for tonight, if he can find one. Shane says Daniel Bryan will find him one if not.

– Still to come, Nikki Bella vs. Carmella vs. Naomi vs. Natalya vs. Alexa Bliss to determine a new #1 contender. Back to commercial.

The Hype Bros. vs. The Usos

Back from the break and Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley are out as are The Usos.

Jey Uso starts off with Zack Ryder and goes after his bandaged knee. Back and forth until Jimmy Uso comes in with Mojo Rawley. Mojo unloads on Uso and goes to work. Jey provides a distraction to the referee, allowing Jimmy to get an eye rake in, leading to a big superkick from Jimmy. Jey tags back in and nails a top rope splash for the quick win.

Winners: The Usos

– After the match, The Usos make their exit as we get replays. We come back to Ryder looking on from the ring as Mojo holds his eye.

– Still to come, Heath Slater signs his SmackDown contract. We see WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz walking backstage with Maryse. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a …

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