Australia Olympic Swim Team Urged To Book ‘Psycho Debrief’ To Adjust To Life After Rio


Australian Olympic swimming team members are being urged to book a post-Games debrief with a psychologist to help them “adjusting back into normal life” after Rio 2016.

Australia emerged with three gold medals in 13 podium visits in all for second place on the medals table behind runaway winner the United States.

The Dolphins’ tally improved on the 10 medals topped by one gold at a London 2012 Games that led to inquiry, recrimination and punishment.

However, with almost all golden prospects for Australia in Rio falling well shy of potential, four of them missing a solo medal of any colour, the swim team returned home to a mixed reception, from public and media.

The moment for psychological help might have been “before they fell over”, suggested one source, but it is now that Team members are now encouraged to seek psychological …

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