California Dreaming Takes Reality To the IOC, FINA & USA Swimming On GDR Doping


In passing a resolution to right the wrongs of a dark chapter in swimming history, the California Senate in the United States has taken a giant leap in its bid to have the International Olympic Committee recognise the achievements of those knocked by State Plan 14:25, the East German doping program, at the Montreal 1976 Olympic Games.

East Germany’s women swimmers claimed 11 out of 13 gold medals at Montreal 1976, the 200m breaststroke going to Marina Koshevaia at the helm of a Soviet Union medals sweep, the 4x100m freestyle going to the United States in a victory recalled in the SwimVortex Book of the Year for 2016, Shirley Babashoff’s Making Waves, and the Last Gold documentary.

In California, Senate Resolution 88 urges the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to address the injustice of results gained through the use of performance-enhancing substances, the details of which are confirmed in Stasi (state secret police) files galore saved from the shredders at the fall of the Berlin Wall by people keen to get the truth out. Dr Werner Franke and his wife …

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