WWE CWC Results (8/31): Akira Tozawa Vs. Gran Metalik, Brian Kendrick Vs. Kota Ibushi


Welcome to tonight’s coverage of the WWE Cruiserweight Classic. Hit the SHARE buttons on the page to let others know about our coverage.

We begin with a rundown of the remaining eight competitors and hyping the quarterfinals.

Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan welcome us to tonight’s episode and recap some of the best moments from the second round. We head into the CWC Control Room with Corey Graves. Tonight’s main event is Brian Kendrick vs. Kota Ibushi. First up is Akira Tozawa vs. Gran Metalik. Let’s head to the ring!

Quick note: These quarterfinals matches will have a 30-minute time limit, raised from the 20-minute time limit we had in the first two rounds.

Gran Metalik vs. Akira Tozawa

Golf clap type reactions from the Full Sail crowd for both men, which is a bit colder than expected. I suppose they need to be woken up if this was the first match of the taping. Friendly handshake gets us started. Tozawa looks for the German Suplex early, but blocked by the luchador. Leg holds traded by both men and we have a stand off. They each get an arm drag on the other and hit simultaneous drop kicks to remain even. A little test of strength as they egg each other on to shoulder tackle the other. Neither budges and Metalik nails a drop kick that pins Tozawa to the ropes. Springboard drop from Metalik and follows it up with a suicide dive that is met with a “C-dub-C” chant from the crowd.

Flying cross body from Metalik for a two count. Tozawa selling a chest/rib injury after the dive and cross body. Leg lock cinched in by Metalik as Tozawa uses his signature yells to psych himself to the ropes to break the hold. Gran Metalik with a thunderous kick to Tozawa. Akira able to counter a jumping back elbow with a drop kick to the back of Metalik. Tozawa hits two suicide dives of his own and both competitors down outside the ring. Tozawa using some power moves and delivers a power slam with a senton. The two trade stiff slaps and chops. Tozawa fakes out Metalik and delivers a big right hand for a two count.

Tozawa gets the crowd riled up with his screams and the crowd responds. In a great heel move, he tells the crowd to be quiet. Cat like agility from Metalik as he hits a springboard splash and and a standing shooting star press for a two. Springboard back …

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