WWE SmackDown Results – Tag Team Returns, Baron Corbin Vs. Dean Ambrose, Nikki Bella Attacked, More


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– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens up with a look back at last week’s “Talking Smack” confrontation between SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz.

– Bryan and Commissioner Shane McMahon are backstage. He believes Bryan owes The Miz an apology. Shane might agree with what he said but he tells Bryan not to get in the face of talents anymore. Bryan says maybe he won’t be so honest next time. He finds this advice ironic coming from the guy who has beef with Brock Lesnar. We go to the SmackDown opening video.

– We go to the ring and out comes The Miz with Maryse. He’s fired up and calls for the music to be cut. It took 149 days for everyone to take notice. He goes on and talks about bringing prestige back to the title. He says we don’t see what goes on backstage – WWE calls him every time they need someone to do a movie, a TV appearance, an interview or play a chicken. He does it day in and day out, never being injured. Miz goes on and calls the fan cowards. The music interrupts and out comes Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler says Miz is making some points but there’s a reason fans don’t get behind him – they can see through his crap. Ziggler says Miz just wants to be famous and that’s why no one will believe in him. Ziggler goes on and issues a challenge. They get ready to fight but Miz leaves the ring and fans boo. Ziggler takes the mic and says Bryan was right, Miz is a coward. Miz gets upset but Maryse tries to calm him down. Ziggler tries to get him in the ring but he leaves with Maryse. Ziggler’s music hits.

– Still to come, Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler. Also, Bray Wyatt has a sermon for Randy Orton and the SmackDown Tag Team Title tournament continues with The Hype Bros. vs. The Vaudevillains. We go to commercial.

SmackDown Tag Team Title Tournament Match: The Hype Bros. vs. The Vaudevillains

Back from the break and we go to the ring with Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga. Greg Hamilton introduces Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley. Simon Gotch and Aiden English are out next. We get a video from earlier today and see the new SmackDown Tag Team Titles at ringside.

English starts off with Ryder and they go at it. Ryder with a dropkick and some offense in the corner. Gotch pulls English to safety and Ryder goes for a dropkick through the ropes but gets pulled out to the floor, dropped on his neck. English brings it back in and keeps Ryder down. Gotch tags in and they double team Ryder for a 2 count. Gotch with a fireman’s carry slam English tags in and comes off the top but Mojo gets the hot tag and unloads on both. Mojo with big splashes on English. Everyone gets involved until The Hype Bros. clean house and hit the Hype Ryder on English for the win.

Winners: The Hype Bros.

– After the match, Ryder and Mojo celebrate as we go to replays. Charly Caruso interviews them in the ring after and Ryder says their are a lot of good teams but The Hype Train has left the station and it’s not coming back. Mojo says they are here and at Backlash, they’re taking the titles because they don’t get hype, they stay hype.

– AJ Styles is backstage walking, still wearing John Cena’s armband around his head. AJ walks up on Apollo Crews and disses him. Crews introduces himself and AJ tells Crews he’s the face that runs the place, don’t forget it. AJ walks off and we go to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes AJ Styles. Hamilton informs us that AJ now wants to be introduced as the face that runs the place.

Styles talks about how he beat John Cena and will next beat WWE Champion Dean Ambrose at Backlash. AJ is quickly interrupted by the music as Apollo Crews makes his way out to a pop. AJ yells for Crews’ music to be cut. AJ can’t believe this.

Crews went to Daniel Bryan and got permission to challenge Styles to a match and that match begins right now. Crews heads to the ring as AJ gets ready.

AJ Styles vs. Apollo Crews

The bell rings and AJ strikes first. AJ takes Crews to the corner and works him over. Crews with a kick as they run the ropes. Crews with a dropkick. Crews pulls AJ to the floor and slams …

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